UC San Diego

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160 - Student Matters (General & Undergraduate)

Section: 160-9
Effective: 10/06/2023
Supersedes: 11/01/2018
Next Review Date: 10/06/2026
Issuance Date: 10/06/2023
Issuing Office: Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education

PPM 160-9 Policy [pdf format]




The Student Organizations Policy applies to UC San Diego Registered Student Organizations and Cooperative Registered Student Organizations. 



The University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS) are a compendium of University-wide policies relating to student life. Section 70.00 describes the University’s policy on registered campus organizations. The Student Organizations Policy serves as UC San Diego’s implementing procedure for PACAOS Section 70.00. This policy describes UC San Diego procedure and requirements for Registered Student Organizations.  




A.     Cooperative Registered Student Organization - A Registered Student Organization that:


  1. Has the primary purpose of providing UC San Diego student members with significant and meaningful business experience leading and working in retail enterprises,


  1. Is incorporated as public benefit corporation under the laws of the State of California,


3.     Is officially recognized by the federal government and the State of California as a not-for profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and the California state law equivalent, and

4.     Has applied for and been recognized by the Center for Student Involvement as being a Cooperative Registered Student Organization. All Cooperative Registered Student Organizations must include in their constitution a statement of their non-profit status.


B.     Principal Member - A currently registered UC San Diego undergraduate or graduate student who is an officer in a Registered Student Organization.


C.    Registered Student Organization - An organization whose membership is predominantly comprised of UC San Diego students and attains recognition through the Center for Student Involvement by complying with this Policy and related procedures. Registered Student Organizations are independent entities and are not official units of UC San Diego. As such, UC San Diego is not responsible for the acts or omissions of Registered Student Organizations and/or any members/persons acting on behalf of those student organizations. 



Registered Student Organizations provide students with opportunities for leadership, exploration, and campus engagement. Involvement in student organizations contributes to students' educational experience and enriches the campus community.  


A.     Prospective and current Registered Student Organizations must complete the registration process as established by the Center for Student Involvement and include a copy of their constitution and/or governing documents along with other required documents.

1.     The registration process can be found at https://getinvolved.ucsd.edu/org-toolkit/register/index.html#Enroll and may be updated from time to time by the Center for Student Involvement. If any information submitted by a Registered Student Organization to the Center for Student Involvement as part of the registration process changes after the information has been submitted, the Registered Student Organization must update that information in the Student Organization Registration System within 15 business days of the date that the change occurred.

2.     Membership in a Registered Campus Organization is open to any student, consistent with the Nondiscrimination Policy Statement for University of California Publications Regarding Student-Related Matters, with the exception that membership in an officially recognized sorority or fraternity may be limited by gender.

3.     Students applying for status as a Registered Student Organization must certify that the  organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex,  gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or  service in the uniformed services. This certification will override any contrary language in the organization's constitution, bylaws, or other documents. 

4.     In addition to the registration requirements listed above, students applying for status as a Cooperative Registered Student Organization must, on an annual basis, provide the Center for Student of Involvement with copies of the organization’s (i) articles of incorporation, (ii) bylaws, (iii) membership list of the board of directors, and (iv) evidence of non-profit status.

5.     Registered Student Organizations are not eligible to register with an undergraduate college, the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, or an academic/professional school as a college-based or other student organization. 

6.     To maintain status as a Registered Student Organization, the organization is required to meet at least once each academic year. 


B.     Registered Student Organizations that are in good standing with the Center for Student Involvement are authorized to officially conduct business with the University (e.g., planning and hosting events, reserving facilities, managing and spending organizational funds).


1.     For Registered Student Organizations, good standing means that the Registered Student Organization has completed and meets all registration requirements, is not under a current student conduct suspension, and/or has not been deregistered due to previous student conduct matters or for any other reason.  


2.     By signing the Principal Member Agreement, Principal Members of a Registered Student Organization agree to be personally responsible for the organization's debts and all other financial liabilities. If a Principal Member later wishes to relinquish this responsibility, the Principal Member may remove themselves using the online student organization registration system. If the removal of a Principal Member results in a Registered Student Organization having fewer than three Principal Members, the Center for Student Involvement may end the organization’s registered status until minimum requirements are met.  


C.    A Registered Student Organization lending its name, membership, property, or financial support to an activity will be responsible for the conduct of all members and guests attending that activity. The organization's officers or members listed on the event registration form are responsible for the planning and organization of all activities sponsored or co-sponsored by their organization. At least one Principal Member must be in attendance at all activities sponsored or co-sponsored by their organizations. 


D.    Except for Cooperative Registered Student Organizations, only registered UC San Diego students may be appointed or elected as an officer in a Registered Student Organization, participate in the selection of the organization's officers, Principal Members, or Community Mentor , preside or officiate over meetings, amend their organization’s constitution, and vote on organizational issues.  


E.     For Registered Student Organizations recognized as Cooperative Registered Student Organizations (or “Co-op”), the organization’s governing documents may (but are not required to) allow for participation by staff, faculty, alumni, and community members as members of the organization’s board of directors or as officers of the organization, provided that the organization meets the following requirements:


1.     More than half of the organization’s board of directors must be comprised of currently enrolled UC San Diego students, who are in good standing, or the Co-op must maintain a consensus process which allows any student member to block or veto any action by the Co-op,

2.     The organization’s president (if any) must be a Principal Member,  

3.     More than half of the organization’s officers must be currently enrolled UC San Diego  students who are in good standing,  

4.     Each Principal Member of the organization must have the power under the organization’s  bylaws to veto or block any proposed action by the organization not supported by an affirmative vote of a majority of the student members of the board of directors, and  

5.     If the above requirements are not met, the Center for Student Involvement may end the organization’s registered status until all requirements are met. 


F.     Registered Student Organizations may invite faculty, staff, and community members to attend its events and participate in its activities and meetings. Registered Student Organizations may also authorize these non-student members to solicit funds on behalf of the organization in accordance with Student Life Business Office policies, distribute information and materials related to the organization, and/or assist student members with implementing events. 


G.    Registered Student Organizations with a recognized affiliation with a local, regional, or national political organization (e.g. Democratic Party or Republican Party) may allow non-student members to hold office, preside, officiate, vote, and/or or make or second motions at organization meetings. Such Registered Student Organizations must be in good standing with the national organization and the Center for Student Involvement. 


H.    The Center for Student Involvement provides all Registered Student Organizations with a Student Organizations Advisor.  


1.     The Advisor’s primary role is to provide assistance with event planning for on-campus events, student organization registration, conflict resolution, and strategic planning. 

2.     Registered Student Organizations may also appoint a Community Advisor (i.e., faculty, staff, or community member). The role of the Community Advisor is limited to providing expertise about the organization’s specific area of interest, mentoring members, and providing advice about procedural and organizational concerns. Community Advisors are subject to the same limitations as non-members and may be removed by the organization.  


I.       All reservations for indoor or outdoor general use space are made by the appropriate venue coordinators. Principal Members of Registered Student Organization can plan campus events using the Triton Activities Planner (TAP) system at http://TAP.UCSD.edu.




Questions concerning the application and/or interpretation of this policy and these procedures may be directed to the Director - Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education (SAGE)

It is the responsibility of SAGE to facilitate campus-wide notification to students, staff, and faculty about the most current version of this policy and these procedures available in the campus Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM).


Except when revisions are specifically mandated by the University of California Office of the President, and/or applicable laws or policy, Students, including student governments, faculty, and staff should be consulted about the development and revision of this policy and these procedures. This process will typically be accomplished by consulting with the UC San Diego Student Conduct Standards Group. 



See Policy Statement above.








See also University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students sections:

70.00                Policy on Student Governments



Appendix C       Non-Discrimination Policy Statement for University of California Publications Regarding Student Related Matters.









2018-11-01. This policy was transferred to the PPM in its current format. Previously constituted as Section 17 of the UC San Diego Student Conduct Regulations. It was revised by the Office of Student Conduct and reviewed by the Student Conduct Standards Group, campus community, and UC Office of the President in 2017.

2019-06-12. Minor technical edit to update policy hyperlink.

2023-10-06. Policy revised to remove definition of College Student Organization, add definition of Principal Member, and decrease number of required Principal Members.