UC San Diego

Section: 230-133
Effective: 07/01/2017
Supersedes: N/A New
Next Review Date: 07/01/2020
Issuance Date: 04/10/2020
Issuing Office: Academic Personnel Services

PPM 230-133 Policy [pdf format]



PPM 230-133, Limitation on Total Period of Service with Certain Academic Titles, relates to matters subject to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 133, Limitation on Total Period of Service with Certain Academic Titles. For reference, subsections of PPM 230-133 include citations to associated subsections of the APM; in all cases, the APM is operative where referenced.


PPM 230-133-0 Policy


APM 133-0 Introductory Note I

APM 133-0 Introductory Note II

APM 133-0 Introductory Note III


PPM 230-133-0 Introductory Note IV


The maximum period of service in individual titles may be shorter than eight years. For further information, please consult the appropriate APM section for a specific title.


At UC San Diego, promotion consideration typically occurs in the sixth year of appointment at the Assistant rank.  The period of time prior to consideration for promotion is referred to as the probationary period.  During the probationary period, Assistant-rank appointees are expected to produce work sufficient to justify promotion.


PPM 230-133-6 Responsibility


APM 133-6


PPM 230-133-12 Exceptions


APM 133-12


PPM 230-133-16 Restrictions


APM 133-16


PPM 230-133-17 Computation of Years of Service


APM 133-17

APM 133-17. a

APM 133-17. b

APM 133-17. c

APM 133-17. d

APM 133-17. e

APM 133-17. f

APM 133-17. g

APM 133-17. g. (1)

APM 133-17. g. (2)


PPM 230-133-17. g. (3)


Periods of leave, whether with or without salary, shall be included as service toward the eight-year period unless, upon the basis of a petition filed at the time leave is requested, the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, after consultation with the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel, determines that the activity undertaken during the course of the leave is substantially unrelated to the individual’s academic career and that the period of the leave shall not count toward the eight-year service period. For new appointments, this determination is made on the basis of a petition filed at the time of the proposed appointment. In such cases, the Executive Vice Chancellor may permit the leave period to be excluded from service for the purposes of calculating the eight years.


A period of leave, with or without salary, which is based on a serious health condition or disability, shall be included as service toward the eight-year period, unless, upon the basis of a petition normally filed within one quarter or semester after the leave is taken, the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, after consultation with the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel, determines that the leave shall not be included as service toward the eight-year period. In each case, the Executive Vice Chancellor shall report such a decision in writing to the individual.


However, any childbearing or parental leave, provided for in APM - 760-25 and 760-27 which is equal to or exceeds one semester or one quarter and which is not greater than one year, whether with or without salary, shall be excluded from service toward the eight-year period unless the faculty member informs the department chair in writing before, during, or within one quarter or semester after the leave that it should not be excluded from service toward the eight-year period. (See APM - 133-17-a, -b, -c, -d, and -i).


Note: Exclusion of one or two quarters or one semester will not necessarily delay the timing of a review. Any other approved leave provided for in APM - 133-17-h also is excluded from service toward the eight-year period.


PPM 230-133-20 Notice of Non-Reappointment


APM 133-20              


PPM 230-285-24 Authority


No appointment, reappointment or academic review action is final until there has been an academic review and the individual with final authority has approved the action.


The UC San Diego Authority and Review Chart sets forth the individual(s) and/or committees responsible for review, as well as the final authority for approval.


PPM 230-281-80 Procedures


Procedural guidelines are available in the Academic Personnel Process Manual.




July 01, 2017                 This policy was made effective.


April 17, 2018                Minor technical edits to update names and policy hyperlinks.


April 10, 2020                This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.