UC San Diego

Section: 230-281
Effective: 07/01/2017
Supersedes: N/A New
Next Review Date: 07/01/2020
Issuance Date: 04/22/2020
Issuing Office: Academic Personnel Services

PPM 230-281 Policy [pdf format]



PPM 230-281-4 Definition


a.  Appointees in the Professor of Practice series are distinguished professionals, either practicing or retired, with specific expertise in their fields. Professors of Practice, though leaders in their fields, do not have traditional academic backgrounds.


Professors of Practice provide students and faculty additional opportunities to interact with and to benefit from the presence of experienced professionals who have distinguished practical accomplishments in their fields. 


Professors of Practice primarily contribute to teaching and/or research programs by providing faculty, undergraduate students, and graduate students with a deeper understanding of the practical applications of a particular field of study, and help promote the integration of academic scholarship with practical experience. Professors of Practice teach courses, advise, and collaborate in areas directly related to their specific expertise and unique professional experience. Professors of Practice may also contribute to the less traditional research and scholarly mission of the University and/or provide service to the University based upon their practical professional experience.


Appointees in the Professor of Practice series may contribute predominantly to the University’s instructional program, with lesser contributions to the University’s research and/or creative programs; or, they may contribute primarily to the University’s research and/or creative programs, and have limited responsibility in teaching. In all cases, however, successful reappointment and/or advancement in the Professor of Practice series is contingent upon documented contributions in all four criteria as listed above (professional competence and activity, teaching, research and/or creative activity, and service).  


b. The Visiting Professor of Practice title is used to designate one who is appointed temporarily to perform the duties of the Professor of Practice series, and who holds, is on leave from, or is retired from the professional position that is the basis for qualification in the series.


PPM 230-281-8 Types

The titles (and ranks) in the Professor of Practice series at UC San Diego are:

·         Professor of Practice 

·         Visiting Professor of Practice


PPM 230-281-10 Criteria

a.     Criteria for appointment, advancement and reappointment in this series are:

·                     Professional competence and activity

·                     Excellent teaching contributions

·                     Contributions to the research and/or creative mission of the University, with emphasis on
            professional practice and leadership contributions

·                     Service contributions


Evaluation of the candidate with respect to these criteria should take into account the nature of the University assignment of duties and responsibilities, which must be clearly explained in the departmental or ORU recommendation letter. 


The criteria for appointment as a Visiting Professor of Practice are the same as those for the regular Professor of Practice title.


1. Professional competence and activity

Professional competence and activity and exemplary professional practice and leadership in the field should be evaluated by comparison to peers in the field and with regard to the viewpoints, skills, and experience the appointee brings to the teaching mission (including research training). Credentials from practice should be established and documented, with emphasis on eminence, innovation, rigor, and depth.


2. Teaching of truly exceptional quality and so specialized in character that it cannot be done with equal effectiveness by ladder-rank faculty members or by strictly temporary appointees.

Appointees in the Professor of Practice series teach primarily at the graduate level. Instruction at the undergraduate level is permissible when an appointee’s individual expertise and professional skills warrant such a teaching assignment; however, it is not expected that Professors of Practice teach core courses at the undergraduate level.


The teaching requirements may be satisfied by meaningful engagement in and significant contributions to the graduate or undergraduate instructional program, including efforts in the research and professional training of students, and/or the development and instruction of specialized courses.


At the time of appointment, the anticipated teaching contributions must be discussed in detail. Particularly, the program requirements addressed by the candidate should be explained, including why they are important to the quality of the UC San Diego program, how the candidate is unusually highly qualified to contribute this teaching, and how the area is unsuited to teaching by the tenured faculty, Lecturers with Security of Employment, or Lecturers (Unit 18). 


3. Contributions to the research and/or creative mission of the University, with emphasis on professional practice and leadership contributions.


Candidates proposed for appointment in the series should have an eminent reputation for superior accomplishments and creative contributions within his or her field, and these should serve as the basis for a detailed discussion of the candidate’s potential for contributions to the University’s teaching and research/creative mission. The individual will normally have a leadership role in the field and/or in a relevant professional organization. The degree of his or her success achievement in practical endeavors must be described.


4. Service contributions

The appointee’s potential service contributions to the department, the school, the campus, the University, and the public must be discussed in detail at the time of appointment. Service activities should be related to the candidate’s professional expertise and achievement.


b. Standards for Reappointment and/or Advancement

At the time of review, the department must demonstrate that the appointee has maintained a significant presence in the department during all periods of active service. Active and meaningful participation and excellence with respect to the duties assigned upon appointment are essential for reappointment and eligibility for a merit increase. The department must fully document the appointee’s contributions and demonstrate the quality of work performed and its impact on the department. A change of duties to a different mixture from those within the above categories may be requested as part of consideration for reappointment.


At the time of review, the department must demonstrate the appointee’s continued trajectory of professional competence and activity, exemplary professional practice, and leadership in the field.

The departmental recommendation letter must also provide a description of service activities and an analysis of the quality of this service, paying particular attention to that service which is directly related to the appointee’s professional expertise and achievement.

Professional activity, teaching, and creative contributions may differ from standard ladder-rank professorial activities, and can also be judged on the basis of professional competence, intellectual contribution, originality, and the total value of the appointee’s engagement with the department. Evaluation of the candidate with respect to these criteria should take into account the nature of the University assignment of duties and responsibilities.

In all cases, however, successful reappointment and/or advancement in the Professor of Practice series is contingent upon documented contributions in all four criteria as listed above (professional competence and activity, teaching, research and/or creative activity, and service).


PPM 230-281-16 Restrictions

a.  Professor of Practice

1. Appointments in the Professor of Practice series must be supported by non-state funds.

2. The number of Professors of Practice within a department cannot exceed one eighth of the number of ladder-rank faculty. Likewise, the number of Professors of Practice within a division or ORU cannot exceed one-eighth of the number of ladder-rank faculty.

3. Salaried Professors of Practice are subject to the restrictions set forth in APM 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members.


b.  Visiting Professor of Practice

1. Visiting titles at UC San Diego are not intended for candidates who are under consideration for or whom the department plans to propose for a permanent appointment

2. If an academic appointee with a Visiting Professor of Practice title is later considered for transfer to the regular Professor of Practice title, the proposal for such transfer should be treated as a new appointment subject to full customary review.


PPM 230-281-17 Terms of Service

a. Professor of Practice

1. Appointment or reappointment in the Professor of Practice series must have a specified ending date.


2. An appointment or reappointment as Professor of Practice may be for a period not to exceed three years, normally ending on the third June 30 following the date of appointment or reappointment. Appointment or reappointment may be for a shorter duration.


3. Faculty in the Professor of Practice series may serve full time or part time, and with or without salary. Salaried Professors of Practice may be appointed up to 100% time, but are normally appointed at 50% time or less. If appointed at 100% time, it is expected that the appointee’s full professional commitment will be to the University.


4. A Professor of Practice appointed at greater than 50% time may serve a maximum of six consecutive years in the series.


b. Visiting Professor of Practice

Visiting Professor of Practice appointments may be made for a period of up to one year. The total period of service as Visiting Professor of Practice may not exceed two consecutive years


PPM 230-281-18 Salary

a. The salary paid to a Professor of Practice or Visiting Professor of Practice will be at a negotiated annual rate based upon, but not necessarily equivalent to, the appointee’s professional income, and consistent with the service rendered. The departmental recommendation letter must clearly justify the salary level recommended.


The minimum pay level for the Professor of Practice series is no less than that of Professor, Step I. The full range of allowable salaries for appointees in the Professor of Practice series is listed in Table 50 of the Academic Salary Scales located on the Academic Personnel Services Web Site.


b. Salary Increases

1.  Professor of Practice

Upon successful performance as Professor of Practice, the appointee will be eligible for a standard salary increase of 5% of the current salary.

2.  Visiting Professor of Practice

Salaries paid to appointees in the Visiting Professor of Practice title are fixed and not subject to adjustment by any general increase that may be approved by the Regents of the University of California.


PPM 230-281-20 Conditions of Employment


a. This series does not accord tenure or security of employment.


b. This series does not convey membership in the Academic Senate.


c. Appointees in this series are subject to APM 137, Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Term Appointment.  


d. Appointees in this series are not eligible for sabbatical leave; however, appointees not in Visiting titles are eligible for leave with pay in accordance with APM 758 Other Leaves with Pay. 


PPM 230-281-24 Authority


No appointment, reappointment or academic review action is final until there has been an academic review and the individual with final authority has approved the action.


The UC San Diego Authority and Review Chart sets forth the individual(s) and/or committees responsible for review, as well as the final authority for approval.


PPM 230-281-80 Recommendation and Review: General Procedures


Procedural guidelines are available in the Academic Personnel Process Manual.




July 01, 2017                 This policy was made effective.


April 19, 2018                Minor technical edits to update names and policy hyperlinks.


April 22, 2020                This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.