UC San Diego

Section: 230-375
Effective: 07/01/2023
Supersedes: 07/01/2017
Next Review Date: 07/01/2026
Issuance Date: 01/31/2024
Issuing Office: Academic Personnel Services

PPM 230-375 Policy [pdf format]



PPM 230-375, Academic Coordinator Series, relates to matters subject to Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 375, Academic Coordinator Titles. For reference, subsections of PPM 230-375 include citations to associated subsections of the APM; in all cases, the APM is operative where referenced.


PPM 230-375-4 Definition


APM 375-0


PPM 230-375-8 Levels


APM 375-8


PPM 230-375-10 Criteria for Appointment


APM 375-10


PPM 230-375-11 Criteria for Evaluating Performance


APM 375-11


PPM 230-375-12 Exceptions


APM 375-12


PPM 230-375-18 Salary


APM 375-18


PPM 230-375-18.a


Academic Coordinators who reach the highest step of their appointment level may be proposed for continued merit advancement beyond the top of the associated salary scale. 


Continued merit advancement beyond the highest salary step is not considered a career or barrier step review and is based on advancement criteria established by the candidate’s department and/or school. Candidates appointed at the highest salary scale step who are proposed for continued merit advancement will not receive a change in Level, Rank, or Step and will not be designated “Above Scale” or eligible to use the “Distinguished” prefix in their title.


Academic Coordinators I and II undergo review every two (2) years with advancement beyond the highest salary step calculated as 100% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps.  Continued normal merit advancement after initial advancement beyond the highest salary step will be calculated as 100% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps. A one (1) year or two (2) year accelerated merit advancement will be calculated as 150% or 200% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps, respectively. 


Academic Coordinators III undergo review every three (3) years with advancement beyond the highest salary step calculated as 100% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps. Continued merit advancement after initial advancement beyond the highest salary step will be calculated as 100% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps. A one and a half (1.5) year or three (3) year accelerated merit advancement will be calculated as 150% or 200% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps, respectively.


Salary increases resulting from continued merit advancement beyond the highest salary scale step will be in the form of a new or increased permanent Market Off-Scale (MOS) salary component.


Academic Coordinators proposed for continued merit advancement beyond the top of their associated salary scale may be eligible for a temporary bonus off-scale (BOS) salary component. BOS are generally awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements exceeding what is required for normal merit advancement, but insufficient to support accelerated advancement. In limited circumstances, a BOS may be awarded in conjunction with a no-change action, when an appointee’s achievement in the review period demonstrate both full service to the University and progress in all series criteria, but fall short of what is required for advancement.


Proposals for a BOS must be addressed in the applicable department standards for merit advancement and articulate the manner in which an appointee’s achievements warrant the award of a bonus off-scale salary component.


Bonus off-scale salary components are equivalent to 50% of the difference between the two highest salary scale steps and, if awarded, are in effect for one (1) review period.


PPM 230-375-19 Normal Periods of Service at Salary Steps


PPM 230-375-19.a


Appointments to an Academic Coordinator title may be for one (1) year or less, for longer periods, and/or for an indefinite period; however, indefinite appointments can be made only when the appointment file documents availability of long-term funding.


Regular appointments may not exceed a total of two (2) consecutive appointments/reappointments without formal campus review.


Temporary appointments of Academic Coordinators may be made for up to a one-year period and may not exceed a total of two consecutive years without formal campus review.


APM 375-19.b

APM 375-19.c

APM 375-19.d


PPM 230-375-19.e


Accelerated advancement is an increase greater than is expected based on the time since the appointee’s last review. The normal period of service prescribed for each salary step does not preclude more rapid advancement (acceleration) in cases of exceptional merit, nor does it preclude less rapid advancement. Intervals between such merit increases at the top of the salary scale and beyond will continue to follow a two-year review period for Academic Coordinator I and II and a three-year review cycle for Academic Coordinator III. Only in the most meritorious cases where there is strong and compelling evidence will increases at shorter intervals be considered and/or approved.


PPM 230-375-20 Conditions of Employment


APM 375-20


PPM 230-375-22 Funds


APM 375-22


PPM 230-375-24 Authority


No appointment, reappointment or academic review action is final until there has been an academic review and the individual with final authority has approved the action.


The UC San Diego Authority and Review Chart sets forth the individual(s) and/or committees responsible for review, as well as the final authority for approval. Additional delegation of authority information can be found on Academic Personnel’s Delegation of Authority webpage.


PPM 230-375-80 Procedures


Procedural guidelines are available in the Academic Personnel Process Manual.


PPM 230-375-80, Appendix A


APM 375-80, Appendix A





July 01, 2017                       This policy was made effective.


March 6, 2018                     Minor technical edits to update policy hyperlinks.


April 28, 2020                      This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.


July 1, 2023                         Addition of a continuous merit advancement model for candidates who reach the highest salary scale step.