UC San Diego

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516 - Environment, Health & Safety

Section: 516-5
Effective: 02/03/2012
Supersedes: 05/01/1998
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 02/03/2012
Issuing Office: Environment, Health & Safety

PPM 516-5 Policy [pdf format]


I.          REFERENCES


A.         California Regulations

1.   Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, General Industry Safety Orders

2.   Title 26, California Code of Regulations, Department of Health Services

3.   California Building Code

4.  Title 24 California Fire Code


B.         Federal Guidelines

            National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards


C.         Professional Organization Guidelines

1.   American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices

2.   National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 45


D.         University of California Policies and Procedures

1.   UC San Diego Policy Procedures Manual 516-5

2.   UC San Diego Policy Procedures Manual 516-5.2

3.   UC San Diego Policy Procedures Manual 516-26

4.   UC San Diego Policy Procedures Manual 516-5.1


II.         POLICY


Chemical use and storage shall be conducted in such a manner as to reduce risks of personal exposure, property loss, and institutional liability to levels as low as reasonably achievable.  Chemical users must be knowledgeable of the individual hazards and particular requirements, if any, for each chemical they use and store.  Training shall be conducted and well documented at all levels in the organization.  Training shall include all required elements of the Hazard Communication Program, Laboratory Standard, and Standard Operating Procedures for the use of chemicals.  In no case may personnel exposure exceed the permissible exposure levels (PEL), the Threshold Limit Values (TLV), or other recognized safety standards.  Prevention of skin and eye contact shall be avoided at all times.  It is University policy to achieve the lowest practical concentrations below these limits and to minimize exposure by all routes of entry.  When more than one exposure limit exists for a particular substance the more cautious value will be used as the UC San Diego exposure limit.


It is recognized that only a small number of chemicals are regulated by specific requirements in applicable health and safety codes, yet many more chemicals are known or suspected to have hazardous properties.  Research, teaching, and other activities at this campus require the use of many of these chemicals; thus, it is essential that a defined program be maintained to assure their safe use.



A.         Every department or unit conducting research with hazardous chemicals is required to comply with the UC San Diego Chemical Hygiene Plan and hazardous substances communication program (see PPM 516-5.2) as part of their Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (see PPM 526-18).



B.        Hazardous chemicals must be transported in a safe manner and in compliance with State and Federal regulatory requirements.


C.        Hazardous chemical waste must be disposed in compliance with State and Federal regulatory requirements (see PPM 516-5.1). Hazardous waste disposal and waste minimization training is available through Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S).


D.        All departments using and/or storing hazardous chemicals must have a chemical inventory in compliance with state and federal requirements.




A.         Chemical Safety and Surveillance Committee (CSSC)


The CSSC is advisory to the Chancellor through the Vice Chancellor – Resource Management and Planning on all matters relating to the safe use of hazardous chemicals. The primary charge to the committee is to reduce risks associated with hazardous chemicals and to establish policies and procedures that meet or exceed applicable norms, monitor new regulations, and implement adopted policies and procedures for hazardous chemicals. Risk shall be interpreted in the broadest possible sense including health, safety, economics, liability, regulatory compliance, efficient use of resources, public relations, environmental impact, etc.


Should there be a willful or negligent violation of UC San Diego's established chemical safety practices and procedures, the committee has the authority to impose disciplinary measures, which are subject to review and/or modification by the Chancellor or his/her designated representative. The committee's members should represent a diversity of disciplines relevant to the work being evaluated, developing technology, chemical health and safety, and engineering.


B.         Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S)


Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) is dedicated to the reduction to risks within the UC San Diego community, and to the promotion of safety as a value in our university culture. EH&S is pleased to provide health, safety and environmental services to everyone at UC San Diego. Their goal is to support the mission of the university by helping staff, faculty, and students take an active role in protecting their health and the environment.


EH&S shall be the reporting body to the state and local agencies related to use and reportable incidents involving chemicals. Should there be an imminent hazard, in the opinion of EH&S, of personal injury, serious exposure, or property damage, the EH&S Director or the Chemical Hygiene Officer has the authority to impose restrictive measures


on the operations of concern including stop work authority. These restrictions are subject to review by the CSSC.


C.         Principal Investigator/Supervisors


The Principal Investigator's primary responsibility is to ensure that good work practices, containment systems, and engineering controls are fully implemented when chemicals are used, stored, or handled in their facility. Each Principal Investigator or supervisor is responsible for the safety of facilities under his/her jurisdiction and operational procedures of personnel supervised. The supervisor or Principal Investigator will provide or secure consultation and/or training as necessary and will enforce personnel compliance with established campus safety procedures and legal requirements. The supervisor or Principal Investigator is responsible for

informing each person of the potential hazards they may be exposed to and complying with the provisions of all regulatory requirements or UC San Diego policies.


D.        Individuals


Each individual is responsible for knowing and complying with safety guidelines, regulations, and procedures required for the task assigned, reporting unsafe conditions to the Principal Investigator, immediate supervisor, or EH&S; and reporting to the Principal Investigator or immediate supervisor all facts pertaining to every accident resulting in exposure to chemical agents. An individual shall not knowingly perform unsafe acts with hazardous chemicals.