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150 - Contracts and Grants (Research)

Section: 150-78
Rescinded: 08/21/2018
Effective: 02/14/2003
Supersedes: 02/03/1984
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 02/14/2003
Issuing Office: Academic Senate

PPM 150-78 Policy [pdf format]



    1.  President's Letter, Travel to Scholarly Meetings and Field Research Travel, dated October 24, 1980.

    2.  Systemwide Business and Finance Bulletin (BFB)

      G-28 Policy and Regulation Governing Travel

    3.  UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM)


      University Travel Regulations-General


      Means of Transportation, page 7, Privately Owned Automobiles


      Travel Advances and Travel Expense Claims


      Foreign Travel and Absences in Conjunction with Foreign Travel


      Special Travel

      *See PPM 150-76 for other related policies.


    1. General

      1. Grants are awarded to provide travel for Academic Senate members or other qualified individuals to attend meetings of learned societies and organized conferences called to present and discuss important research results.

      2. Awards are made for substantial participation in the program where such participation is directly concerned with dissemination of research results, or where the applicant has organized, or will preside over, one or more sessions of the meeting.

      3. If the meeting is arranged as a symposium or discussion in which formal papers are not presented, this fact should be indicated on the Application under Section 5.

      4. Grants may be made for travel to present works of art or to present other forms of creative expression, but only for the initial presentation of such creative endeavor.

      5. Faculty are encouraged to seek full or partial support of their expenses from other sources, even after receiving an award from this Committee.

      6. If there is a change in travel plans, the Committee should be notified immediately so that funds awarded can be reallocated to another Senate member.

    2. Eligibility

      Grants shall be restricted to faculty members who are University appointees and who are voting or non-voting members of the Academic Senate. An application from a faculty member on sabbatical leave (non-resident or in residence at the University) is entitled to the same consideration as if the individual were in full active status.

    3. Restrictions

      1. Number of Awards

        The Committee's policy is to award one travel grant per Academic Senate member during a fiscal year.

      2. Domestic Travel

        Awards are made for the lowest published air coach fare. Celings are $500 for the Eastern/Atlantic time zone, $350 for the Central time zone (including the states of Washington, Oregon, Hawaii & Alaska) and $250 for the Mountain/Pacific time zones. No service fees will be covered.

      3. Foreign Travel

        Foreign travel will be supported at 75% of the lowest published fare or of the actual fare, whichever is lower. Awards will not exceed $1000.00. No service fees will be covered; therefore, applicant may use any means to book travel. Airfares are only valid on the lowest fare and no payment will be made on first class or business class tickets. Written quotation/itinerary from travel agency, airline, or internet is required for foreign travel. These funds are not restricted to the use of U.S. carriers.

      4. Per Diem

        No per diem expenses are awarded for domestic or foreign travel.

      5. Other Expenses

        Registration fees, taxis, etc. are not allowable expenses.


    1. When to Apply

      Call Letters providing current and future deadline dates for Academmic Senate support from the General Campus, Health Sciences, and Marine Sciences Subcommittees of the Committee on Research are available on a continuous basis at website: http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/cor .htm

    2. How to Apply

      1. Complete the Request for Travel Expenses To A Scholarly Meeting, available from the website: http://ww w-senate.ucsd.edu/cor/applications/corapps.htm

      2. Obtain the department chair's signature and submit the application to the Academic Senate Office:

        1. General Campus and Health Sciences-the original

        2. SIO-the original and three (3) copies.

        3. Copies of the letter of invitation, the letter of acceptance to participate in the meeting, or a copy of the program with the applicant's name and the extent of his/her participation must accompany the application.


    1. Review

      Applications are reviewed every three months.

    2. Award

      If the request for travel from faculty meets the criteria imposed by the Sub-committees on Research, the request is processed through the Academic Senate Office. Instructions for reimbursement are noted on the lower half of the application. The white and green copies are then returned to the grantee and the grantee's department office.

    3. Implementation

      Upon completion of approved travel, the Travel Expense Voucher, must be prepared by the grantee's department office in accordance with University regulations and travel is to be charged to the appropriate account and fund. Even though a portion of the grantee's expenses may be charged to other accounts, the Travel Expense Voucher must be routed to the Academic Senate Office for signature approving payment of that portion charged against the Research Sub-committee. The Academic Senate Office then will forward the voucher to Accounting.