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250 - Personnel - Staff

Section: 250-85
Effective: 03/03/2022
Supersedes: New
Next Review Date: 03/03/2025
Issuance Date: 03/03/2022
Issuing Office: Human Resources

PPM 250-85 Policy [pdf format]


1.             SCOPE


This Policy governs flexible work arrangements for staff employees (career, contract, limited, floater, partial year career, per diem and casual/restricted student appointments) who work for UC San Diego.


For employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, UC San Diego endorses flexible work arrangements in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement and this Policy. The applicable collective bargaining agreement shall supersede this Policy whenever there is a conflict.



2.             POLICY SUMMARY


Flexible work arrangements are generally permissible, provided that they are properly approved, are documented in an appropriate agreement, and the arrangements support organizational goals, objectives, or needs. Flexible work arrangements depend on job functions and are at the discretion of the department head and supervisor. Flexible work arrangements may be altered or terminated by the department at any time and for any reason in accordance with an employee’s flexible work arrangement agreement. For employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, the applicable collective bargaining agreement supersedes this Policy whenever there is a conflict.



3.             DEFINITIONS


A.    Alternative Work Schedules: a work schedule that deviates from the Standard Work Schedule or the normal department work schedule.

B.    Compressed Workweek: an Alternative Work Schedule that allows employees to work a 40-hour workweek in less than five work days.

C.    Core Hours: specific hours during the day when a group of employees in a department are expected to be at work.

D.    Flextime: an Alternative Work Schedule that allows employees with the approval of their supervisors to choose their arrival and departure times during a flexible time that includes Core Hours.

E.     Hybrid Work: a flexible work arrangement where employees regularly perform part of their work Off-Site and perform part of their work On-Site on an at least weekly basis. Expectations and considerations must be documented in a Hybrid Work Agreement.

F.     Off-Site: a work location that is not On-Site, i.e., that is not on UC San Diego property.

G.    On-Site: a work location on UC San Diego property, whether licensed, leased, or owned. On-Site does not include an employee’s residence even if that residence is located on UC San Diego property.

H.    Primary Worksite: the typical location where UC San Diego expects the employee’s work to take place.

I.       Reduced Work Schedule: a work schedule where employees have requested a voluntary reduction in time so that the number of hours or number of days worked is reduced. Reduced Work Schedules will result in a pay reduction and may have other impacts as well.

J.        Remote Work: a flexible work arrangement where the employee’s Primary Worksite is Off-Site. The Primary Worksite is Off-Site if the documented expectation involves less-than-weekly On-Site work (for example: once or twice monthly). Expectations and considerations must be documented in a Remote Work Agreement. Work-related travel is not Remote Work.

K.    Standard Work Schedule: the days and hours that a unit typically expects an employee to be working. The standard work schedule varies by unit, but for full-time policy covered employees the standard work schedule is frequently eight hours per day on five consecutive days, generally from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), with a 30-minute unpaid meal period and two 15-minute paid rest breaks. For staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement, the standard work schedule may be defined under the applicable collective bargaining agreement, in which case the schedule in the applicable collective bargaining agreement shall apply.

L.     Standard Workweek: For policy covered non-exempt employees, the standard workweek is midnight Sunday morning (12:00:01 a.m.) to midnight the following Saturday. For policy covered exempt employees, the standard workweek is from 12:01 a.m. Monday to midnight the following Sunday.  For staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), please refer to the applicable CBA.


4.             POLICY STATEMENT


UC San Diego generally supports flexible work arrangements for staff employees, if the flexible work arrangement meets the unit’s business needs and objectives.


Flexible work arrangements include:


·       Alternative Work Schedules (Flextime and Compressed Workweeks);

·       Hybrid Work; 

·       Remote Work; and

·       Reduced Work Schedules.


Flexible work arrangements are permitted only with the prior approval of the supervisor, the department head, and require a formal agreement provided by Human Resources in a form that has been approved by the Office of Campus Counsel. A formal agreement is not required when an employee and supervisor agree to an infrequent or ad hoc work schedule adjustment.


Flexible work arrangements do not change the terms and conditions of employment and must comply with applicable UC and UC San Diego policies and procedures, collective bargaining agreements, and any applicable laws.


Flexible work arrangements are not entitlements or benefits; they are subject to ongoing review and may be changed or terminated at any time by management action at the sole discretion of the University or its management. An employee may request to end or change a flexible work arrangement in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement, but whether to end or change a flexible work arrangement is at the University’s discretion.


Working Outside of California


Employees who work outside of California are responsible for employees’ tax, insurance, and benefit implications. The University will not advise on, nor take responsibility for, employees’ tax, insurance, or benefit implications.

This policy is not intended to permit International Hybrid or Remote Work. International Hybrid or Remote Work requires an exception to policy, and may only be considered in rare circumstances, and only if approved by the Employee’s organizational area Vice Chancellor and CHRO after a review by CISO and Export Control.




A.    Alternative Work Schedules


Alternative Work Schedules include Flextime options and Compressed Workweek options. The options below are examples and can be combined or adjusted.


                   1.     Examples of Alternative Work Schedules


a.     Flextime Options


                                      i.         Daily flex: the employee’s work schedule has set start and end times that differ from the Standard Work Schedule. For example, the employee works 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


                                     ii.         Core hours flex: the employee’s work schedule does not have set start and end times; instead, the employee is expected to work a specific number of hours each day but may start and end based on the department’s needs. For example, if the Core Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the employee may work one day from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and the next from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. without a set schedule, but the employee is expected to be On-Site daily and work eight hours that include the department’s Core Hours.   


                                    iii.         Mealtime flex: the employee’s work schedule allows for a longer meal period than the ½ hour provided. For example, the employee’s work schedule is 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. so the employee has an hour unpaid meal period in addition to their two 15-minute breaks.


                                    iv.         Day-of-the-week flex: the employee’s work schedule is flexed on a pre-established day of the week. For example, the employee works Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


b.     Compressed Workweek Options


                                      i.         4/10: the employee works four 10-hour days


                                     ii.         4/9/4: the employee works four 9-hour days and one 4-hour day


                                    iii.         9/80: the employee works 80 hours for a bi-weekly period in nine days instead of ten days. Please note: in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act overtime regulations, only exempt employees are eligible for 9/80 work schedules.


                   2.     Additional Responsibilities for Alternative Work Schedule Arrangements


a.     Employees are responsible for adhering to the terms of their Alternative Work Schedule Agreement.


b.     Department HR Contacts (Campus) or Health Human Resources are responsible for reviewing to ensure compliance with applicable policies and/or collective bargaining agreements and maintaining a record of the employee’s Alternative Work Schedule Agreement.


c.     Supervisors are responsible for setting work expectations, regularly communicating with employees about their performance, and whether the flexible work arrangement is meeting the needs of the organization.


d.     Department heads are responsible for establishing flexible work standards and Core Hours for their department.


                   3.     Alternative Work Schedule Request/Approval Process for Campus Only


a.     The employee should review this policy and resources available on Blink, e.g. the Key Considerations for Employees and the Alternative Work Schedule Agreement.


b.     The employee and supervisor should review the potential feasibility of an Alternative Work Schedule and discuss potential options for such a schedule.


                                      i.         The supervisor should review the resources available on Blink, e.g. the Key Considerations for Supervisors and the Alternative Work Schedule Agreement.


                                     ii.         The supervisor may not commit nor agree to a request for an Alternative Work Schedule until after all approvals have been obtained.  


c.     If approved, the employee and supervisor should review the Alternative Work Schedule Agreement (pdf) and determine appropriate information needed to complete the agreement.


d.     The employee should initiate the agreement in accordance with the procedures on Blink.


                   4.     Alternative Work Schedule Request/Approval Process for Health System and Health Sciences


Supervisors must contact Health HR Employee Relations to initiate the process (hhr.ucsd.edu).


B.    Hybrid Work


                   1.     Additional Responsibilities for Hybrid Work Arrangements


a.     Employees are responsible for adhering to the terms of their Hybrid Work Agreement and must report to work On-Site if requested by their supervisor.


b.     Department HR Contacts (Campus) or Health Human Resources are responsible for reviewing to ensure compliance with applicable policies and/or collective bargaining agreements and maintaining a record of the employee’s Hybrid Work Agreement.


c.     Supervisors are responsible for setting work expectations, regularly communicating with employees about their performance, and whether the flexible work arrangement is meeting the needs of the organization.


d.     Department heads are responsible for establishing flexible work standards and any Core Hours within their department.


                   2.     Hybrid Work Request/Approval Process for Campus


a.     The employee should review this policy and resources available on Blink, e.g. the Key Considerations for Employees and the Hybrid Work Agreement.


b.     The employee and supervisor should review the feasibility and discuss options.


                                      i.         The supervisor should review the resources available on Blink, e.g. the Key Considerations for Supervisors and the Hybrid Work Agreement.


                                     ii.         The supervisor may not commit nor agree to a request for a flexible work arrangement until after all approvals have been obtained in accordance with department and/or vice chancellor flexible work standards.


c.     If approved, the employee and supervisor should review the agreement (pdf) and determine appropriate information needed to complete the agreement.


d.     The employee should initiate the agreement in accordance with the procedures on Blink.


                   3.     Hybrid Work Request/Approval Process for Health System and Health Sciences


For Health System and Health Sciences staff, supervisors must contact Health HR Employee Relations to initiate the process (hhr.ucsd.edu).


C.    Remote Work (Within the United States)


                   1.     Additional Responsibilities for Remote Work Arrangements


a.     Employees are responsible for adhering to the terms of their Remote Work Agreement and must report to work On-Site if requested by their supervisor.


b.     Department HR Contacts (Campus) or Health Human Resources are responsible for reviewing to ensure compliance with applicable policies and/or collective bargaining agreements and maintaining a record of the employee’s Remote Work Agreement.


c.     Supervisors are responsible for setting work expectations, regularly communicating with employees about their performance, and whether the flexible work arrangement is meeting the needs of the organization.


d.     Department heads are responsible for establishing flexible work standards and Core Hours for their department.


                   2.     Remote Work Request/Approval Process for Campus


a.     The employee should review this policy and resources available on Blink, e.g. the Key Considerations for Employees and the Remote Work Agreement.


b.     The employee and supervisor should review the feasibility and discuss options.


                                      i.         The supervisor should review the resources available on Blink, e.g. the Key Considerations for Supervisors and the Remote Work Agreement.


                                     ii.         The supervisor may not commit nor agree to a request for a flexible work arrangement until after all approvals have been obtained in accordance with department and/or vice chancellor flexible work standards.


c.     The supervisor should confer with Department Head and other appropriate leadership regarding the request.


d.     If approved, the employee and supervisor should review the agreement (pdf) and determine appropriate information needed to complete the agreement.


e.     The employee should initiate the agreement in accordance with the procedures on Blink.


                   3.     Remote Work Request/Approval Process for Health System and Health Sciences


For Health System and Health Sciences staff, supervisors must contact Health HR Employee Relations to initiate the process (hhr.ucsd.edu).





A.    Travel Expenses


1.     Employees who work Off-Site (whether Hybrid Work or Remote Work) may be required to report to work On-Site. In that case, employees are responsible for their expenses traveling to the On-Site worksite.


2.     Employees who work Off-Site (whether Hybrid Work or Remote Work) may be required to report to work to an Off-Site location that is different than their Primary Worksite. In that case, employees may be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with UC Policy G-28 Travel Regulations. Reimbursement will be limited to the lesser of the reimbursable travel expenses from the employee’s Primary Worksite or from their unit’s On-Site location.


B.    Office Expenses


1.     For office equipment that will be used Off-Site, the University will only provide or reimburse the costs for equipment documented in the employee’s flexible work arrangement agreement and pre-approved for reimbursement. All other office equipment is the employee's responsibility.


a.     Employees will generally only have one worksite equipped by the University. That is, if an employee works predominantly Off-Site (such as three or more workdays per week Off-Site), appropriate equipment will generally only be provided for the Off-Site work location. If an employee works predominantly On-Site (such as three or more workdays per week on-site), appropriate equipment will generally only be provided for the On-Site work location.


2.     All office equipment provided by or paid for by the University is University property and must be returned by the employee to the University upon the University’s request or upon the employee's separation from University employment.



7.             SAFETY


A.    Employees who work Off-Site are responsible for ensuring that their Off-Site work location is safe and secure.


B.    Employees are required to promptly report all workplace injuries, including injuries that occur Off-Site, to their supervisor and to Workers’ Compensation.



8.             DATA SECURITY


Employees are responsible for ensuring the security and integrity of all University information and data in their possession, custody, or control and must follow all University policies and instructions on electronic systems and data security. Employees must promptly report all incidents of actual or suspected breaches of data security or data integrity for data in their possession, custody, or control.



9.             FORMS


Alternative Work Schedule Agreement

Hybrid Work Agreement

Remote Work Agreement

Safety Checklist for Home Offices

Key Considerations for Employees

Key Considerations for Supervisors





·       Collective Bargaining Agreements

·       Electronic Communications Policy

·       Personnel Policies for Staff Members

o   Personnel Policies for Staff Members-20: Recruitment and Promotion

o   Personnel Policies for Staff Members-21: Selection and Appointment

o   Personnel Policies for Staff Members-30: Compensation

o   Personnel Policies for Staff Members-2.210: Absence from Work

o   Personnel Policies for Staff Members-81: Reasonable Accommodation

·       UC Policy G-28 Travel Regulations

·       UC San Diego Implementing Procedures PPSM:30 Compensation

·       UCSD Information Systems, Computer/Information Use and Security Statement

·       Blink Pages

o   Communication and Collaboration Tools

o   International Travel Cybersecurity





·       Are flexible work arrangements an option for all positions? Some positions may not lend themselves to flexible work arrangements. For example, if a position requires specific hours, requires in-person interaction, or is site dependent, alternative work schedules, hybrid work, or remote work may not be appropriate. Flexible work arrangements should not compromise individual or organizational performance or the unit’s operational goals, objectives, or needs.


·       Can represented employees have a flexible work arrangement, including hybrid work or remote work, when there is not a supervisor present? Yes, represented employees are not required to have a supervisor present to be able to work. There may be other reasons why a flexible work arrangement is not feasible, such as business needs or individual performance considerations, but collective bargaining agreements do not require employees to only work when supervisors are present.


·       I have been approved for an Alternative Work Schedule and a Hybrid Work/Remote Work arrangement; do I need to complete two forms? Employees should complete one agreement. The Alternative Work Schedule agreement is only for employees who are fully onsite. If you are working remotely on an alternative schedule, you should document your work hours in the Remote Work Agreement.


·       What should employees with flexible work arrangements do on weeks with one or more holidays?  The employee should consult with their supervisor regarding their unit’s procedures.


·       If a meeting is scheduled when I am out of the office due to a flexible work arrangement, do I need to attend the meeting? You and your supervisor and/or work lead should discuss the circumstance in advance to determine if adjustment to your schedule is needed.


·       If a meeting is scheduled when I am working Off-Site due to a hybrid or remote work arrangement, do I need to attend the meeting in person? Employees should discuss all expectations with their supervisor, including participation in meetings. It may be possible to attend certain meetings via the internet or phone, but other meetings may require in-person attendance.


·       Can supervisors have a hybrid work or remote work arrangement? Operational needs drive the availability of flexible work arrangements for all employees, supervisors included. Flexible work arrangements should not compromise individual or organizational performance or the unit’s operational goals, objectives, or needs.


·       Is there a minimum performance rating needed on the most recent performance appraisal to have a flexible work arrangement? Possibly, supervisors should discuss with the appropriate Employee Relations team; and the department head and supervisor will determine if it is appropriate to begin, end, alter, or continue with a flexible work arrangement based on an employee’s performance.


·       Can non-exempt employees have a Hybrid Work or Remote Work arrangement? Yes, it is possible for a non-exempt employee to have a Hybrid Work or Remote Work arrangement as long as the job functions can be completed from a remote location. Flexible work arrangements should not compromise individual or organizational performance or the unit’s operational goals, objectives, or needs.


·       I am a non-exempt on-site employee. Can my time checking emails while commuting count towards my regular work schedule? You should not check email outside of your regular work schedule if you are a non-exempt employee unless you have your supervisor’s approval to work additional hours. 


·       Do supervisors have to inspect the employee’s home or an alternate work area? No, supervisors do not have to inspect the employee’s home or alternate work area; however, supervisors may inspect the work area or request photos of the work area to check for safety or security concerns.


·       While on a Hybrid Work or Remote Work arrangement, will the University cover my travel expenses to conferences or meetings which would normally be considered business travel? The University will cover preapproved travel for business purposes consistent with the UC Travel Policy and Section 6 of this Policy. Departments should contact Travel before approving a trip.


·       Is Remote Work from a location outside of the United States of America permitted? Working from a location outside of the United States is an exception to policy. Please review the “International Remote Work” section of the Flexible Work Arrangements page for additional information.


·       I am not interested in a flexible work arrangement, but I would like to voluntarily reduce my hours. Is this possible? In general, employees may request to reduce their time on a short-term or long-term basis. Whether to authorize a reduction in time is at the discretion of the University. Employees who are interested in voluntarily reducing their time should contact their supervisor to see if it is a viable option. Departments must obtain approval from Human Resources before approving a voluntary reduction in time.


·       What if I occasionally need to work offsite or alter my work schedule, do I need to complete a formal flexible work agreement? Supervisors should consult with the appropriate Employee Relations team to determine if an agreement is necessary.


·       When does an employee need to complete a new flexible work arrangement agreement? An employee should complete a new agreement when they are requesting a new type of flexible work arrangement or they have a change in position, supervisor, and/or department. If an employee would like to change their work schedule and is continuing with the same type of arrangement (Alternative Work Schedule, Hybrid, or Remote), the employee should consult with their supervisor regarding their unit’s procedures to determine if a new agreement is required or if an email request and approval (for Health and Health Sciences, a HHR case request), with a copy to the employee’s personnel file, is sufficient.


·       Is there an annual renewal process? There is not an annual renewal process for flexible work arrangement agreements. Supervisors and employees should have continual discussions about how the arrangement is meeting operational needs and adjust as necessary in accordance with the agreement. 





03/03/2022      This policy replaces the Guide to Flexible Work Arrangements dated November 16, 2015.