University of California, San Diego


January 14, 2008


SUBJECT:    Rescheduled - Public Records and Information Practices

UCSD Administrative Records and the Campus Records Management Program Oversight Steering Committee are pleased to invite all faculty and staff to the second annual information practices seminar. We are rescheduling the conference due to the campus closure last October.

The seminar will focus on the importance of handling requests for University records; privacy regulations; public access to information; all conforming to state and federal regulatory requirements.

Join us for an informative day on Monday, February 4, 2008 at Hojel Hall located in the Institute of the Americas.

Topics include:

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Acceptance of Subpoenas and Litigation Risk

Electronic Discovery

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

Information Privacy Act

California Public Records Act

Standards in Implementing Electronic Document Management Systems

Guest panelists include UC Office of the President -- Office of the General Counsel, UCSD Campus Counsel, UC and UCSD's Information Practices Coordinators, and Campus Records Management Specialists.

Please join us on February 4, 2008. There is no cost for the lunch and seminar but an RSVP is requested by January 28, 2008.

For more information and to register for this event, please visit: https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/IPAReg/Default.htm

We look forward to seeing you!

Paula J. Johnson