UC San Diego

Section: 230-9.1
Effective: 06/10/1985
Supersedes: 02/12/1982
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/09/2020
Issuing Office: Academic Personnel Services

PPM 230-9.1 Policy [pdf format]





A.           Academic Personnel Manual (APM)


270             Appointment and Promotion: Professor in Residence


B.           UCSD Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM)


230-20        Procedures for Appointment of Academic Personnel


230-28        Procedures and Schedules for Academic Appraisals, Advancements, and Reappointments


C.           Standing Orders of The Regents


103.9          Special Provisions Concerning Officers, Faculty Members, and Employees of the University: Tenure


II.         POLICY


A.        Assistant Professors In-Residence


Assistant Professors In-Residence shall be appointed to two-year terms with the same standards for non-reappointment as ladder rank faculty, including failure to be promoted by the end of the eighth year of service. An exception may be made to allow appointments of a shorter term when funding is not assured for a two-year period.


B.        Associate Professors In-Residence and Professors In-Residence


Associate and Full Professors In-Residence shall be appointed to terms commensurate with the availability of funding.  Those with Medical School Clinical Compensation Plan or Veterans' Administration as the principal funding source may have an indefinite appointment, “subject to the availability of funds.'”




A.        Academic Reasons


The decision to terminate for academic reasons must be preceded by a full academic review. When appointees in the In-Residence series are terminated for academic reasons, the minimum period of notice shall be as set forth in the Academic Personnel Manual, Section 220-20, c, 1-3. This section provides that those faculty who will have more than two years of service by the end of the current appointment shall be given twelve (12) months notice. Those who will have at least one year of service and not more than two years of service by the end of the current appointment shall be given six (6) months notice, and those who will have less than one year of service at the end of the current appointment shall be given four (4) months notice.


B.        Lack of Funds


Appointees in the In-Residence Series may be terminated for lack of funds, specifically the funds that provide salary support to the appointee. Before initiating a termination proposal, the Chair shall inform the department faculty and make reasonable efforts to find other suitable employment for the appointee within the University. The Chair must submit, via the Dean of the School of Medicine, to the Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs documentation of the fiscal circumstances that have resulted in the recommendation to terminate the appointment. The termination proposal shall include the following:          


1.   Name of the appointee, rank, step and months of service.


2.   Statement of the specific conditions necessitating the termination; i.e., an explanation of why there is a lack of funds.


3.   Names of other employees in the Department within the same title who are supported from the same funding source.


4.   Justification of the order of termination. The termination proposal will be submitted to the Committee on Academic Personnel for its review and recommendation. If the proposed termination is approved, the Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs shall then give the appointee notice of the termination which may have an effective date no fewer than ninety (90) days after this written notification.


C.        Programmatic Reasons  


When proposing to terminate an appointee in the In-Residence Series for programmatic reasons, the Chair must submit, via the Dean of the School of Medicine to the Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs, justification for the programmatic change. There must be documentation of consultation with the departmental faculty, including a vote on the decision to terminate by those faculty whose eligibility to vote has been established in accord with Academic Senate Bylaw 188. The file will be submitted to the Committee on Academic Personnel for its review and recommendation, and to assure that procedures and policies have been followed. The Committee on Academic Personnel shall determine whether review by other committees of the Academic Senate is necessary. If the proposed termination is approved, the Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs shall then give the appointee written notice of the termination which may have an effective date no fewer than ninety (90) days after this written notification.


D.        Appeal  


Standing Order of The Regents 103.9 applies to appointees in this series.




May 1, 1994             This policy was made effective.


April 23, 2018           Minor technical edits to update policy hyperlinks.


April 9, 2020           This policy was reviewed for gender neutral language.