UC San Diego

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516 - Environment, Health & Safety

Section: 516-26
Effective: 07/27/2010
Supersedes: 05/01/1998
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: TBD
Issuing Office: Environment, Health & Safety

PPM 516-26 Policy [pdf format]


I.              REFERENCES


A.            California Code of Regulations, Title 8


B.            California Labor Code


C.            UCSD Injury and Illness Prevention Program Policy


II.            POLICY


As directed in the California Code of Regulations, UCSD shall maintain an effective injury and illness prevention program for its employees which includes comprehensive safety training.


The training shall fall into two broad categories:


A.            General accident and illness prevention which addresses safe work practices.


B.            Specific information which covers occupational hazards unique to each employee's work.




The Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) offers a broad array of safety education programs for the University community. These programs are designed to inform employees of relevant safety information.


A.            General Information Session


EH&S conducts numerous Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) presentations throughout the year at a variety of locations. As required by state law and University policy, every member of the faculty and staff, including student workers is required to attend an IIPP class once during their employment at the University. Each participant receives a certificate of completion for documentation purposes. The certificate must be retained by the employee. A current schedule of classes is available through the EH&S home page located at http://blink.ucsd.edu/sponsor/EHS/index.html, or by contacting your Departmental Safety Coordinator or EH&S.


Topics discussed in the IIPP presentation include:


* Overview of health and safety resources at UCSD

* Hazard Communication Program

* Health issues associated with computer usage

* Campus Emergency Preparedness Program

* Fire safety


A.            Specialized Topics


In addition to the IIPP orientation, EH&S also offers a broad array of specialized technical classes for employees handling hazardous materials, working in research laboratories, potentially exposed to higher risk activities, etc. Consult the Blink Website, Menu: Safety Training, for a list of topics.


Supervisory personnel should contact EH&S for more information on class schedules.


Specific documentation of attendance at all safety training classes shall be maintained by employees and their supervisors. Such records should be filed within the department and be available for review upon request.


Arrangements for specific presentations can be made by contacting the EH&S Safety Training Manager at extension 25974.




Both the California Code of Regulations and Labor Code require that safety training be provided by all supervisory personnel for their respective employees and students working under their direction. EH&S programs are intended only as an adjunct to support supervisory personnel's on‑going training efforts.


It is the responsibility of each department to train workers in all aspects of their jobs, including matters pertaining to health and safety, and to maintain records of such training.