UC San Diego

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516 - Environment, Health & Safety

Section: 516-9
Effective: 01/10/2011
Supersedes: 05/01/1998
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: TBD
Issuing Office: Environment, Health & Safety

PPM 516-9 Policy [pdf format]


I.              POLICY


The University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) is committed to implementing the processes and procedures necessary to maintain compliance with environmental regulations that address pollution in air, water, and other media caused by UC San Diego during campus development and operational activities.  The lead department for environmental compliance, resource protection, and pollution prevention is Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S).  EH&S is charged with preventing, minimizing, or eliminating pollution as well as managing unavoidable pollution (spills and emergency operations) in accordance with the applicable regulations applying industry-wide adopted processes and procedures.


UC San Diego conducts operations and activities in compliance with applicable Federal and State regulations and local ordinances according to industry-accepted practices for State of California academic institutions and the UC Office of the President guidelines.


This policy reflects the current governing regulations and will evolve over time as regulations or other affected policies change, new tools or approaches emerge, and the risks associated with Environmental Protection respond to external changes. To the extent there are conflicts between agency requirements or regulations, the Environmental Managers Working group and Office of General Council at the UC Office of the President shall be consulted.


II.            PROCEDURES




Permits and regulatory compliance (reports and data submission) will be sought, completed and maintained by EH&S or if necessary, by the department or their designated consultant which conducts or sponsors any activity or operation requiring Air Pollution Control District (APCD), State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Department of Environmental Health Services (DEH), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Coast Guard (USGC), County Department of Environmental Health (DEH), Department of Toxic Substance and Control (DTSC) or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits. 


The lead department shall work directly with EH&S or forward a working copy of the permit for review by EH&S prior to submission to a regulating agency.  Once approved, a final copy shall be provided to EH&S for the regulatory file.




Notices of Violations (NOVs), Return to Compliance letters, or correspondence (letter, email, or voice mail) from any of the above agencies shall be forwarded upon receipt to EH&S without delay.  EH&S will coordinate responses and corrective actions with the appropriate campus staff and regulating agency.


It is the responsibility of the Departments that received a violation for any monetary fines associated with the violation.  EH&S will assist with Corrective Actions and coordinating monetary fine payment.




Each Project Manager from FD&C, FM, HDH, Academic Affairs, or other functioning department is to notify EH&S in advance of any equipment purchase; operational or process additions/changes; soil excavation/export/import; or releases that could affect the campus environment, surrounding neighborhoods, downstream water bodies, or regulatory compliance. 


It is the responsibility of the Department that hires contractors to provide the information and necessary oversight to maintain compliance with environmental regulations and permits.  EH&S will assist with implementing Best Management Practices, Best Control Technologies, environmental protection plans, regulatory agency negotiations, and permit procurement.


Each Vice Chancellor area, administrative unit, contractor, and individual on campus is responsible for implementing this policy and the referenced procedures.


IV.           ROLE OF EH&S


EH&S provides regulatory coordination, technical guidance, assistance with departmental/campus collaboration, and review or completion of permit applications.  In cases where scientific monitoring and analysis is required, EH&S may provide equipment and personnel, or work with a consultant to complete the necessary tasks.


V.            GETTING HELP


During campus hours of 8 am to 5pm, contact EH&S at (858) 534-3660 or (858) 534-2753.


At any other time, contact EH&S through Campus Police at 911 from a campus phone or (858) 534-4357 (4-HELP).




A.    [Authority] The requirements of this policy are adopted under the authority granted to the Policies and Procedures Committee.


B.    [Applicability] The requirements of this policy apply to students, staff, and faculty regardless of full or part-time status as well as contractors.  Visitors will be held accountable for illegal actions according to applicable Federal, State, and Local laws.


C.    [Access] This policy can only be revised through the procedures adopted by the University of California.




A.    Hazardous Waste Management (516-14)


B.    Soils Management Policy (516-27)




A.    California Code of Regulations Titles 13, 17, 19, 22 & 26


B.    Clean Air Act of 1977 & 1990


C.    Clean Water Act of 1970 and Amendments/Porter Cologne Act of 1970


D.    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 & Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984


E.    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act/Superfund of 1980


F.    Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976


G.    Emergency Planning and the Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986


H.    Federal Pollution Prevention Act of 1990


I.      Occupational Safety and Health Act


J.     California Marine Life Protection Act of 2006


K.    California Ocean Protection Act of 2009


L.    California Ocean Plan