Section: 200-5
Effective: 01/03/1994
Supersedes: 03/21/1978
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 01/03/1994
Issuing Office: Human Resources
University of California Executive Program Policy 30
Standing Order of The Regents
103.5 Emeritus Status
Conferral of Emeritus status is an honor that may be granted by the President upon retirement of a University employee who has provided outstanding service to the University.
These Guidelines apply to nominees who hold a position assigned to the University Executive Program or the University Management and Professional Program. These Guidelines do not apply to a member of the Academic Senate, an academic appointee who is not a member of the Academic Senate, an Officer of the Corporation, or an Officer of the University.
The following criteria shall be utilized to determine whether the nominee shall be granted Emeritus status:
at least ten years of University service;
service at the time of retirement in a University Management and Professional Program position at Grade III or above, or a position in the University Executive Program;
evidence of extraordinary and meritorious contributions to the fulfillment of the mission and programs of the University; and
recognition from outside the University of California of noteworthy contributions to the nominee's professional field.
The recommendation normally shall be submitted three months prior to the date of the nominee's retirement.