UC San Diego

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270 - Ceremonies, Conduct, and Discipline

Section: 270-7
Effective: 09/06/2022
Supersedes: 09/01/2013
Next Review Date: 09/06/2025
Issuance Date: 09/06/2022
Issuing Office: Chancellor's Office

PPM 270-7 Policy [pdf format]




This Policy applies to all Members of the University of California (UC) Community, including faculty, staff, and students, and all visitors on University Controlled Property.





This Policy is the UC San Diego local implementing policy and procedures for the University of California – Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy:





This Policy incorporates all definitions in the University of California – Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy.





As an institution committed to providing a safe and healthful environment and in compliance with California State law, the University prohibits the sale, advertising, use and or Smoking/ Vaping of, Tobacco or Marijuana/ Cannabis on University Controlled Property, including parking lots. Smoking or tobacco use is not permitted in any indoor or outdoor area on University Controlled Property.


Exemptions to this Policy are allowed for:


·         Research studies approved by UC San Diego Institutional Review Board or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.


·         Ceremonial use at University Controlled Property upon written request and written approval of the sponsoring department and the Fire Marshal’s Office.





A.            All Members of the UC Community and members of the public accessing University Controlled Property must comply with this Policy


B.            “UC San Diego is Smoke and Tobacco-Free” signs will be posted and maintained in public areas by Facilities Management (FM).  Additional signs are available from FM or Health Promotion Services for departments and administrative units to post within their areas as needed. 


C.            FM is responsible for ensuring that signs are displayed clearly at all entrances to the campus as well as in other conspicuous locations, to notify the public that smoking and use of tobacco is prohibited while on University Controlled Property.


D.            Managers, supervisors and administrative officers are encouraged to answer questions and concerns by their employees and constituents regarding this Policy. Concerns related to application of this Policy should be forwarded to Health Promotion Services.  


E.            Compliance with this Policy is grounded in informing and educating Members of the UC Community and visitors about the Policy and supporting those who use Tobacco Products to seek treatment for tobacco dependence.


F.            In order to maintain a tobacco-free environment, notifying others about the Policy will be an ongoing effort to enhance awareness of and foster compliance with this Policy. UC San Diego Health Promotion Services is responsible for providing information and answering questions regarding smoking cessation resources. See the UC San Diego Tobacco Free web site for more information.





To report incidents of non-compliance on University Controlled Property, please visit https://smokefree.ucsd.edu/





UC San Diego Non-Compliance Reporting Form





A.    California Government Code - Smoking in State Buildings (7596 – 7598)


B.    Assembly Bill 795 Public postsecondary education; smoke-free campuses


C.    University of California Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy


D.    UC San Diego Smoke and Tobacco-Free website


E.    Map of Campus Property


F.    Sustainable Practices


G.    Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Annual Notice





UC San Diego SmokeFree Frequently Asked Questions:





2009/04/21 – This Policy was originally issued.


2013/09/01 – This Policy was revised and reissued.


2022/09/06 – This Policy was routinely reviewed, revised and reformatted. The majority of revisions were to realign this Policy with the UCOP Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy while making necessary updates.