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300 - Accounting Procedures - General

Section: 300-70
Effective: 01/09/1984
Supersedes: 03/29/1971
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 01/09/1984
Issuing Office: General Accounting Division

PPM 300-70 Policy [pdf format]
PPM 300-70 Exhibit A [pdf format]
PPM 300-70 Exhibit B [pdf format]
PPM 300-70 Exhibit C [pdf format]
PPM 300-70 Exhibit D [pdf format]
PPM 300-70 Exhibit E [pdf format]
PPM 300-70 Exhibit F [pdf format]


  I.            REFERENCES


                A.            Systemwide Accounting Manual

                        SS-772-33 Student Fees, Exemptions, Waivers, Special Provisions


                B.            Resolution on the Education Fee adopted at the February 20, 1970 meeting of the Board of Regents, as amended.


                C.            Student Fees and Deposits-issued by Vice President-Planning and Analysis for appropriate fiscal year.


II.            BACKGROUND


         It is sometimes necessary and appropriate for all or a portion of a student's registration fees to be deferred for payment at a date later than the first day of class in any particular quarter or for payment by someone other than the student. It is also appropriate in certain cases for authorized University representatives to waive or refund all or a portion of a student's registration fees. The following defines the pertinent terms and prescribes the procedures to be followed for issuing fee deferments, fee waivers, fee exemptions, and refunds.




                A.            Registration Fees


         The term “registration fees” for purposes of this PPM Section includes (1) the University Registration Fee, (2) the University Educational Fee, (3) the Nonresident Tuition Fee, (4) the Student Center Fee, (5) for undergraduate students, the Campus Activity Fee, and (6) the Recreation Facility Fee.


                B.            Fee Payment Authorization


The Fee Payment Authorization, FPA, Exhibit A, is a document which, when issued by an authorized representative of the University under approved circumstances, authorizes: (1) collection of a student's registration fees from a sponsor, such as a Government agency or a scholarship fund, or (2) postpones payment of all or a portion of the student's registration fees. Postponement of fee payment by means of this document can be for a short or long period of time.


For a short term postponement, a student cannot use the installment basis for payment of fees; the fees become payable within a specified period of time, e.g., sixty days. When a long term loan program is used to pay the student's fees, the payment is postponed until,

generally speaking, the student has completed his/her education or withdrawn from enrollment at an accredited institution of higher learning. Such deferment essentially authorizes payment of the loan on a long-term installment basis after completion of education or withdrawal from enrollment, such long-term obligation on the part of the student being evidenced by his/her execution of the Fee Payment Authorization form and a Promissory Note. Procedures for processing such documents are contained below.


                C.            Fee Waiver/Special Provisions


The Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, Exhibit B, is a document which, when issued by an authorized representative of the University under approved circumstances, cancels all or a portion of the student's registration fees. The schedule of fees is published in the University of California Booklet on “Student Fees and Deposits.”


                D.            Fee Exemptions


The Fee Exemption, Exhibit C, is similar to the Fee Waiver/Special Provision. Exhibit E lists under what circumstances each document is to be used.


                E.            Refunds


A refund for purposes of this PPM Section is a disbursement made by the University to return to a student all or a portion of the amount of registration fees that he/she paid in cash for a particular quarter when it is subsequently determined that he/she is entitled to a fee deferment or fee waiver for that quarter.


Other refunds based upon part-time attendance or the withdrawal of a student from the University are made within the terms of the refund schedules published in the Vice President-Planning and Analysis booklet on “Student Fees and Deposits.”


IV.            PROCEDURE


                A.            General


Forms for Fee Payment Authorization, Exhibit A; Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, Exhibit B; and Fee Exemption, Exhibit C, may be obtained from the Accounting Office. Student Financial Services maintains their own supply. (Each issuing office is responsible for the accountability and security of all numbered forms they receive.) The forms should be used in numerical sequence. Whenever a set is withdrawn from use, all copies are to be marked “Void.” The Green copy of the Fee Payment Authorization form, the Pink copy of the Fee Waiver/Special Provisions form, and the Pink copy of the Fee Exemption form are retained by the issuing office for numerical accountability. Signature specimens of University officials authorized to execute such forms (see Exhibit D and Exhibit E) or their appointed representatives should be submitted by memorandum (Exhibit F) to the General Accounting Division of the Accounting Office.


                B.            Instructions


Instructions for preparation of the Fee Payment Authorization form, the Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, and the Fee Exemption form are included with the Exhibits. Each issuing office should print legibly and complete all information required on the appropriate form. Only an indelible instrument such as a pen or typewriter can be used to fill out the form. Deferments and waivers for UCSD graduate students which represent fellowships, scholarships, or any other formally recognized educational benefit for the student must be countersigned by authorized personnel in the Office of Graduate Studies and Research.


                C.            Distribution


Distribution of copies by the issuing office of the Fee Payment Authorization, Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, and Fee Exemption forms is handled as follows.


                                 1.            Fee Payment Authorization


                                                 a.            Direct the student to present the White and Pink copies to the Cashier when registering and to retain the Yellow copy for his/her personal record.


                                                b.            Forward the Blue copy to the Accounting Office by campus mail.


                                                 c.            Retain the Green copy.


                                 2.            Fee Waiver/Special Provisions and Fee Exemptions


                                                 a.            Direct the student to present the White and Green copies to the Cashier when registering and to retain the Goldenrod copy for his/her personal record.


                                                b.            Forward the Yellow copy immediately to the Accounting Office by campus mail.


                                                 c.            Retain the pink copy.


                D.            Refunds


If a Fee Payment Authorization, Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, or Fee Exemption is issued after a student has paid his/her registration fees in cash, the issuing office initiates a Request for Issuance of Check, Form 5, and forwards it to the Accounting Office, together with the White, Pink, and Blue copies of the Fee Payment Authorization, or the White, Green, and Yellow copies of the Fee Waiver/Special Provisions or Fee Exemption as the case may be. The date and cash ring number of the student's payment is reflected on the student's receipt or can be obtained from the cashier. Both of these plus the preprinted form number appearing in the upper right hand corner of the executed Fee Payment Authorization, Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, or Fee Exemption form and the reason for refund are to be typed on the Form 5 by the issuing office. The word ``Refund'' is to be placed on the DISPOSITION REFERENCE line on the lower left-hand corner of the Fee Payment Authorization, Fee Waiver/Special Provisions, or Fee Exemption form.


If the student is in the Financial Aid (FALCON) system, the refund will be generated automatically through the system. The White, Pink, and Blue copies of the Fee Payment Authorization is forwarded to the Accounting Office with the date of the refund check annotated on the “Refund Issued” line in the lower left-hand corner.


                E.            Petition for Waiver Reclassification


Offices which have deferred all or a portion of the student's registration fees because the student has petitioned for a waiver or a change of legal residency are responsible for informing the Accounting Office of the action taken on the petition. If the petition is approved, a Fee Waiver/Special Provisions should be prepared with an appropriate explanation and forwarded to the Accounting Office. If the petition is denied, the Accounting Office must be notified in writing so it can prepare a University Invoice (GUARD) in the amount of the fees so deferred.









1.         Date:  Enter the date that the form is issued.


2.         Student Roster Number:  Enter the Student Roster number.  This number is prefixed by the letter “U” of “G” and followed by five numbers, a space, and three numbers.  The student number is reflected on the registration and enrollment cards and is on record in the Registrar’s Office.  Because many names are similar and some are the same, the roster number is the recognized identification of each student and the key to the Data Processing Center’s student registration records.  A student’s roster number can vary from quarter to quarter, so care should be taken in using the current quarter’s assigned number.


3.         Student Name:  Print the student’s name (last name, first name, then middle name) exactly as recorded on the official registration records.  Students should be questioned whenever it appears that nicknames, initials, or other abbreviations are offered instead of the legal name.


4.         Quarter and Year:  Enter appropriate information:  Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer and the year.


5.         Account to be Charged:  Enter the account number and name; e.g., XXXXXX-XXXXX-X-XXXXXX, Undergraduate Student Aid, starting with the first line.  When more than one account is to be charged, use a separate line for each account.

When an expenditure account is used, the reference number will consist of the first four (4) letters of the student’s last name plus the last two (2) digits of his/her social security number.  When a balance sheet is used, the reference number will consist of a unique six digit number assigned to the student.


6.         Amount:  Do not list each fee separately unless each fee is going to be paid by a different account number.  Use only one line for the total amount of fees for each account.  Place the total of all fees on the bottom line if more than one account is used.


7.         Issuing Department’s Approval:  The individual authorized to issue the Fee Payment Authorization (of his/her authorized representative) signs the space marked APPROVAL and enters his/her department name.  If the Fee Payment Authorization is for a graduate student, the form must be countersigned by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research to the left of the approval line.


8.         Student’s Signature and Address:  The undergraduate is required to sign the Fee Payment Authorization acknowledging his/her agreement with the terms printed on the form.  He/She should enter his/her local address, or, if not situated, his/her permanent address.







1.         Date:  Enter the date that the form is issued


2.         Student Roster Number:  Enter the Student Roster Number, This number is prefixed by the letter "U" or "G" and followed by five numbers, a space, and three numbers. The student number is reflected on the registration and enrollment cards and is on record in the Registrar's Office.  Because many names are similar and some are the same, the roster number is the recognized identification of each student and the key to the Data Processing Center's student registration records.  A student's roster number can vary from quarter to quarter, so care should be taken in using the current quarter's assigned number.


3.         Student Name:  Print the student's name (last name, first name, then middle name) exactly as recorded on the official registration records.  Students should be questioned whenever it appears that nicknames, initials, or other abbreviations are offered instead of the legal name.


4.         Quarter and Year:  Enter appropriate information:  Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer and the year the quarter starts.


5.         Basis for Waiver and Amount:  Check the proper basis for issuing the waiver in the column provided and place the amounts of fees being waived in the AMOUNT column next to the correct type of fee.  For waivers not printed on the form, refer to Exhibit E for Type Code and amount.  Please note that the upper section of the form is for Registration and other related fees and the bottom portion is for the Nonresident Tuition Fee.


6.         Issuing Officer's Signature:  The officer authorizing the waiver (or his/her representative) signs the space marked AUTHORIZED APPROVAL and enters his/her department's name.







1.         Date:  Enter the date that the form is issued.


2.         Student Roster Number:  Enter the Student Roster Number.  This number is prefixed by the letter "U" or "G" and followed by five numbers, a space, and three numbers.  The student number is reflected on the registration and enrollment cards and is on record in the Registrar's Office.  Because many names are similar and some are the same, the roster number is the recognized identification of each student and the key to the Data Processing Center's student registration records.  A student's roster number can vary from quarter to quarter, so care should be taken in using the current quarter's assigned number.


3.         Student Name:  Print the student's name (last name, first name, then middle name) exactly as recorded on the official registration records.  Students should be questioned whenever it appears that nicknames, initials, or other abbreviations are offered instead of the legal name.


4.         Quarter and Year:  Enter appropriate information: Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer and the year the quarter starts.


5.         Basis for Waiver and Amount:  Check the proper basis for issuing the waiver in the column provided and place the amounts of fees being waived in the AMOUNT column next to the correct type of fee.  For waivers not printed on the form, refer to Exhibit E for Type Code and amount.  Please note that the upper section of the form is for Registration and other related fees and the bottom portion is for the Nonresident Tuition Fee.


6.         Issuing Officer's Signature:  The officer authorizing the waiver (or his/her representative) signs the space marked AUTHORIZED APPROVAL and enters his/her department's name.







Basis of Deferment

Issuing Office

Fees Deferred

Fee paid by agent*

Accounting/Student Financial


Terms of Award

Fee paid by University Funds:

Graduate - Department Funds
(e.g., training grants, departmental


Terms of Award

Graduate - VC-GS&R Funds

Office of Graduate Studies

and Research

Terms of Award


Student Financial Services

Terms of Award

Foreign Student

Funds in Transit

Government to be billed

Petition for Waiver


Office issuing deferment

Office issuing deferment

Office issuing waiver


All fees assessed

All fees assessed

Fees petitioned for waiver

Graduate Student - Distinguished:


Office of Graduate Studies

and Research

Nonresident Tuition

Faculty Dependent

Office of Graduate Studies

and Research

Nonresident Tuition

Education Abroad Program (Graduate)

Office of Graduate Studies

and Research

Nonresident Tuition


*Where funds for student have been deposited with UCSD or where outside agency or business is to be billed.

e.g. Navy Postgraduate School
Navy Electronics Laboratory
California State Department of Rehabilitation


*Must be countersigned by authorized personnel in the Office of Graduate Studies and Research for Graduate Students (except to M.D. Candidates).





Basis of Waiver

Authorized Issuing Office


Fee Waived*



Staff or Academic Personnel


2/3 Registration
Campus Activity

Education Abroad Program (Undergraduate)



All Fees

Exceptional High School Student-EAH

Relations with Schools


2/3 Registration
2/3 Educational
Campus Activity
Student Center
Rec Facility Fee

Joint Doctoral Program(San Diego State University students only)



All Fees

Graduate Intercampus Exchange Program (only when UCSD is the host campus)

Office of Graduate

Studies & Research


All Fees

Intercollege Exchange/Dartmouth



All Fees

Graduate Student authorized to study outside State throughout Quarter

Office of Graduate Studies & Research


1/2 Registration

Nurse Practitioner Program

Naval Regional Medical Center


All Fees less $50

Mesa Exchange Student



All Fees


Residency Reclassification

Graduate Intercampus Exchange

Faculty Dependent/Los Alamos











Military Dependent

Veteran's Dependent


Student Financial Services/Veteran's Affairs




Registration Fee

Educational Fee






In accordance with the procedure outlined in PPM 300-70, Paragraph IV, I am appointing the person(s) listed below as my authorized representative(s) to approve fee deferments or fee waivers (as appropriate) against account number(s):






Account Number






Account Name


























This authorizes:

















To act in such regards for Department Head at all time. __________


To act in such regards in absence of Department Head.__________


Beginning Date: ____________________, 19______. This authorization remains in effect until cancelled.





