UC San Diego

Section: 460-2
Effective: 08/01/1992
Supersedes: 09/12/1973
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 08/01/1992
Issuing Office: Campus Police

PPM 460-2 Policy [pdf format]


  1. SCOPE

    This policy on Found/Unclaimed Property is divided into sections in order to properly differentiate between (A) Found/Unclaimed Property other than cash and negotiable property, (B) Found/Unclaimed Property of cash and negotiable property, and (C) Unclaimed Property of Deceased Patients.


    1.  California Civil Code Section 2080.6, 2080.7, 2080.8, 2080.9

    2.  Memorandum to Chancellors from Vice President McCorkle, dated 7/2/73


    1. Found/Unclaimed Property Other Than Cash and Negotiable Property

      All such property shall be released to the Campus Police. Campus Police responsibilities concerning found property include:

      1. Logging in and tagging of all found property.

      2. Research to attempt to locate rightful owner of all found property.

      3. Retention of all unclaimed property for a minimum period of three (3) months.

      4. Selection of dates for public auctions to be conducted wherein sale will be made to the highest bidder.

      5. Publication of notice of each such auction at least once and at least five days prior to the established auction date in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the property is held.

      6. Release of auction dates and locations to campus departments, student organizations, and student newspapers.

      7. Conducting the public auction in accordance with established procedures.

      8. Depositing proceeds from sale of unclaimed property in accordance with applicable provisions of PPM 300-20, Sub-Cashiering and Change Funds.

      9. Crediting proceeds from sale of property to Police/Sale of Unclaimed Property Fund.

      10. Disposal of property not bid through established University channels.

    2. Found/Unclaimed Property, Cash and Negotiable Property

      Cash or cash-like property (negotiable instruments payable to bearer) shall be released to the Campus Police. Campus Police responsibilities concerning found cash and negotiable property include:

      1. Logging in of such property.

      2. Research to attempt to locate rightful owner.

      3. Retention of all such property for a minimum period of three (3) months.

      4. Returning unclaimed cash and cash-like property to the finder after the expiration of the three-month period, unless the property was found by a University employee in the course of University employment. It will be the responsibility of the finder to contact the police for return of such property.

      5. Crediting the proceeds to the following account after the aforementioned three-month period in the event said cash or cash-like property was found either by a University employee in the course of University employment or it remains unclaimed by any other finder for a period of 14 days after expiration of said three-month period: Miscellaneous Income/Index RMG9900/Fund 19900A/Org 660067/Acct 567500.

    3. Unclaimed Property of Deceased Patients

      1. Such property including items located in Patients Valuables Envelopes shall be turned over to the Executor of the decedent's estate by the appropriate hospital personnel; if the Executor cannot be located, and if the decedent leaves no surviving relative, the County Public Administrator's Office shall be contacted and requested to pick up the property.

      2. If the County Public Administrator's Office declines the request to pick up the property, the property then shall be handled in accordance with Section A. of this policy if other than cash or negotiable property. If cash or negotiable property, it shall be handled in accordance with Section B.