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460 - Police, Security

Section: 460-6
Effective: 04/10/1996
Supersedes: Not Applicable
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/10/1996
Issuing Office: Campus Police

PPM 460-6 Policy [pdf format]
PPM 460-6 Exhibit A [pdf format]
PPM 460-6 Exhibit B1 [pdf format]
PPM 460-6 Exhibit B2 [pdf format]



    This section describes policy regarding the procedures for the acquisition and installation of an alarm protection and detection system. This section also describes the regulations that apply to the operation of all emergency, intrusion, and robbery type alarms on campus.

    This policy does not apply to fire alarms or environmental monitoring systems maintained by Physical Plant Services (PPS).


    1. Emergency/Panic Alarm

      The emergency alarm is installed in locations that may have life-threatening, medical, or any other situations which require immediate police response.

    2. Intrusion

      This alarm is used to detect entry into an area during specified hours by unauthorized persons. This protection may be used in conjunction with the robbery alarm to provide twenty-four hour coverage of critical areas.

    3. Robbery

      This alarm is used at cashiering stations or those areas where money is handled. It is to be activated only when a robbery or attempted robbery takes place.


    1. Requests

      All requests for alarm systems shall be directed to the UCSD Police Crime Prevention Unit. Each request shall state the reason for the alarm, its location, the name of the person making the request and a phone number.

    2. Review

      All requests for new alarm service will be reviewed by the Crime Prevention Unit. A request may also need to be reviewed by PPS and/or Telecommunications as necessary for special requirements.

    3. Priorities

      All requests for alarm service will be assigned a priority rating ranging from low priority to critical by the Crime Prevention Unit. When more than one request is being processed, the higher priority will receive the first consideration.

    4. Security Survey

      The Crime Prevention Unit will survey each area for which an alarm system is requested. This initial survey will be provided at no cost to the requesting department. The survey will be reviewed and a determination will be made to approve or disapprove the request for the alarm system.

    5. Specifications

      Any changes or modifications in the original alarm specifications must be approved by the Crime Prevention Unit and/or PPS/Telecommunications.

    6. System Installation

      The requesting department will be responsible for the cost of hardware and installation of the alarm system from the alarm site to the campus police department or central monitoring station.

      If an outside contractor is installing and testing the alarm system, the Crime Prevention Unit and/or PPS/Telecommunications will be responsible for project review and approval. No alarm system will be authorized without the approval of the Crime Prevention Unit.

    7. Alarm Response

      1. The UCSD Police Department will be responsible for responding to all alarms activated. A monthly monitoring fee of $15 will be assessed every alarm subscriber whose system is monitored by the campus police department.

      2. The alarm subscriber shall submit the Security Alarm Information Sheet, Exhibit A, with relevant alarm system information.

        The alarm subscriber shall also submit a Security Alarm Personnel List, Exhibit B, of all members within the department who will be responsible, if needed, to respond to the alarm location and of personnel authorized in their premises after hours.

        Alarm information forms must be completed in full before the alarm system becomes operational. Alarm information forms must be completed whether the subscriber's alarm system is monitored by the UCSD Police Department or a central monitoring station. It is the subscriber's responsibility to keep all alarm system information and the list of departmental contact persons current with the UCSD Police Department.

      3. If the alarm is activated, a department contact may be notified of the alarm by the police dispatcher on duty. Department contacts will be obtained from current alarm information forms. A discrepancy form will be filled out by a responding officer and sent to the subscribing department.

    8. Accidental Alarms

      If an alarm is accidentally set off, the subscriber will contact the UCSD Police Department dispatchers immediately and advise them. Failure to do so will be considered an accidental alarm activation and will be recorded accordingly. It is the alarm subscriber's responsibility to ensure that all employees understand the alarm system operation and procedures and the seriousness of an accidental alarm activation.

    9. Deliberate Alarms

      A false report of an emergency exists when an alarm is used for purposes other than the designated purpose. For example, use of a holdup alarm to summon police to a customer dispute is a false activation. Such misuse could result in deactivation of the alarm service and result in disciplinary or criminal action as provided in Section 148.3 of the California Penal Code.

    10. Alarm System Tests/Repairs

      The alarm subscriber will notify the police dispatcher prior to any tests or repairs of their alarm system. Failure to do so will be considered an accidental alarm activation and will be recorded accordingly. It is recommended that the subscriber test their alarm system once every six months.

    11. False Alarms

      1. Definition of False Alarm Activations

        For the purpose of this policy, a false alarm activation includes the following:

        1. Alarm activations caused by employee error in arming or disarming an alarm system, and the employee fails to contact the police dispatcher in a timely manner.

        2. Accidental alarm activations caused by an employee, and the employee fails to contact the police dispatcher in a timely manner.

        3. Alarm activations caused by improper security of the alarmed premise; e.g., window left open which allows wind to blow a curtain which activates a motion detector.

        4. Alarm activations caused by test/repairs and the subscriber fails to contact the police dispatcher prior to the activation.

        5. Alarm activations caused by individuals not listed/authorized on the alarm information form.

        6. Alarm malfunctions as a result of the subscriber's equipment failure or of improper equipment installation.

        7. Alarm activations caused by entry of PPS personnel, custodians or other personnel . In this case, a determination will be made whether or not to assess the offending department for a false alarm activation.

        8. When an alarm system is used by more than one subscriber and an assessment is made due to excessive alarm activations, all subscribers will be assessed equally, if the offending subscriber department, individual, or cause cannot be determined.

        9. When the police department responds to an alarm activation and no individual is present or the cause for the alarm cannot be determined.

        10. When the police department responds to an alarm activation and the subscriber has failed to complete or provide the necessary alarm system information forms to the UCSD Police Communications Center.

      2. Allowable False Alarm Activations

        Two alarms per alarm account are allowable in a thirty-day period. Multiple activations in a twenty-four hour period will be considered as one false alarm activation. This is the first level of allowable false alarm activations. Subscribers reaching this level will receive a warning letter.

      3. False Alarm Activation Penalties

        False alarms and negligent supervision leading to false alarms are the responsibilities of the subscriber department to correct. For every third and subsequent false alarm activation in a thirty-day period, an assessment of $25 will be made to the subscriber department for each excessive false alarm.

      The UCSD Police Department responds to over 1,000 alarm activations per year. As the campus continues to grow, alarm activations will increase. The vast majority (99%) of these are classified as false alarms not attributable to an alarm malfunction. Most are the result of improper or careless use of the alarm system.

      Both the public and responding police officers are subjected to needless danger when the police are called on to respond to repeated false alarms. In addition, police officers responding to false alarms are not available to carry out other duties. In the interest of using limited law enforcement resources effectively and efficiently, the number of false alarms must be reduced.

    12. Notification of Penalties

      The campus police department will notify the subscriber department by letter when an assessment has been made for excessive false alarm activations. This assessment will be made on a recharge basis.

    13. Termination Of Alarm Service

      1. Excessive false alarm activations within a thirty-day period may result in the alarm being placed on a deactivation status at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

        Deactivation status means that the subscriber's alarm will be disconnected from the police communications center alarm monitoring system until the subscriber's alarm system problems are corrected.

        Central station monitoring facilities, that have contracts with UCSD subscribers, will be notified via letter that the subscriber's alarm system has been placed on "deactivated status," and the UCSD Police Department should not be notified in the event of an alarm activation until further notice.

      2. Outdated Equipment

        Electronic components in an alarm system are generally considered to have a usable lifetime of about ten years, after which components tend to break down causing false alarm activations. Repair of such malfunctions is the responsibility of the subscriber department to correct or replace.

        The Chief of Police or designee will make the determination to place an alarm on a deactivation status until the alarm system is repaired. Once the alarm system is repaired, police service will be restored automatically.

      3. Written Notification

        The Chief of Police will notify the subscriber department by letter when alarm service is placed on deactivation status due to excessive false alarm activations.

      4. Termination

        Continued false activations or equipment malfunctions which are not corrected by the subscriber department may result in "termination" of alarm service at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

      5. Appeals Procedure

        An appeal for subscriber departments being placed on deactivation status or whose alarm service has been "terminated" will be made in writing to the Chief of Police. The appeal will provide specific information detailing the cause of the false alarms, corrective action being taken, and anticipated time until the problem is corrected.

    14. Discontinuance Of Alarm Service

      The subscriber department may discontinue alarm service at any time. The subscriber will notify the Police Department Records and Communications Supervisor prior to discontinuing alarm service.



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