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510 - Use of University Properties

Section: 510-1 Section II
Effective: 04/01/1981
Supersedes: Not Applicable
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/01/1981
Issuing Office: Business Office

PPM 510-1 Section II Policy [pdf format]


  1. University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students

  2. Space Allocation

  3. The following is quoted from the SYSTEMWIDE POLICY ON USE OF UNIVERSITY PROPERTIES:

    1. General Provisions

      "Campus regulations shall provide procedures and criteria for the use of University properties by student governments and registered campus organizations and may provide procedures and criteria, based upon benefit to the University, permitting the use of University properties by other persons or organizations. Non-University persons or organizations shall be eligible to use such properties only upon invitation of student governments, other University units, or registered campus organizations.

      University properties shall be used only in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and shall not be used for the purpose of organizing or carrying out unlawful activity.

      All persons on University property are required to abide by University policies and campus regulations and shall identify themselves upon request to University officials acting in the performance of their duties. Violation of University policies or campus regulations may subject a person to possible legal penalties; if the person is a student, faculty member, or staff member of the University, that person may also be subject to University discipline.

      A request for use of University properties may be denied if the request is not in accordance with campus regulations implementing these policies and shall be denied if circumstances are such that the event will present a clear and present danger to the orderly operation of the campus. The applicant shall be accorded a review of any denial of a request for use of University properties. If a request is denied on the basis of a clear and present danger to the orderly operation of the campus, the applicant shall be accorded a prompt appeal to the Chancellor, who shall recognize the University's heavy burden in justifying such a denial. The review processes shall be set out in campus regulations.

      On University grounds open to the public generally, as may be defined in the campus regulations, all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, assembly, worship, and distribution and sale of non-commercial literature incidental to the exercise of these freedoms; such activities shall not interfere with the orderly operation of the campus and must be conducted in accordance with campus time, place, and manner regulations.

    2. Campus Regulations

      Campus regulations and procedures shall be designed to protect and promote the rights of members of the campus, prevent interference with University functions or activities, and comply with all pertinent laws and University policies.

      All use of University properties and service by campus organizations must conform to applicable time, place, and manner regulations. Those using University properties and services must avoid any unauthorized implication that they are sponsored, endorsed, or favored by the University.

      As a State instrumentality, the University must remain neutral on religious and political matters. The University cannot sponsor or fund religious activities and cannot sponsor or fund political activities, except when authorized by The Regents or the President or their designees. Religious and political campus organizations shall have access to University properties on the same basis as all other campus organizations, according to guidelines set forth in campus regulations.

      The name, insignia, seal, or address of the University or any of its offices or units shall not be used for or in connection with religious or political purposes or activities except as consistent with University policies and campus regulations.

      In correspondence, statements, or other material relating to religious or political activities or issues, the University title of a faculty or staff member shall be used only for identification; if such identification might reasonably be construed as implying the support, endorsement, or opposition of the University with regard to any religious or political activity or issue, the identification shall be accompanied by an explicit statement that the individual is speaking for himself or herself and not as a representative of the University or any of its offices or units.

      Non-commercial fund raising by student governments and by registered campus organizations shall be permitted pursuant to University policies and campus regulations; non-commercial fund raising by individuals or by other groups also may be permitted under regulations developed by the campus, consistent with University policy. Appropriate provisions may be made governing the collection of donations, sale of materials, admission charges, and financial accountability.

      Campus regulations shall permit University students, faculty, staff, registered campus organizations, and University units to post and exhibit non-commercial materials at locations designated in campus regulations for that purpose; posting and exhibiting of non-commercial materials by others also may be permitted by campus regulations. All such materials shall clearly indicate the name of the sponsoring campus individual, registered campus organization, University unit, or other individuals or organizations permitted to post and exhibit pursuant to campus regulations.

      Except as otherwise provided herein, campus regulations may prohibit the use of University properties for commercial purposes and personal financial gain.

    3. Policy

      The time, place, and manner of exercising speech and advocacy on the campuses are subject to campus regulations that shall provide for noninterference with University functions and reasonable protection to persons against practices which would make them involuntary audiences.

      It is the responsibility of the Chancellor to assure an ongoing opportunity for the expression of a variety of viewpoints.

      These policies and campus regulations in no way constitute prohibitions on the right to express political views by any individual in the University community. The University recognizes, supports, and shall not abridge the constitutional rights of faculty, students, or staff to participate, either as individuals or as members of groups, in the political process of supporting candidates for public office or any other political activity.

    4. Registered Campus Organizations

      1. Registration

        An organization whose membership is limited to students, faculty, or staff of a particular University campus may become a registered campus organization by complying with the requirements and procedures set forth in campus regulations, which shall include the furnishing of a statement of the name of the organization, its purpoes, its officers or other authorized representatives, and such other pertinent information as may be specified in campus regulations. Membership in registered campus organizations may be extended to other individuals, under conditions specified in campus regulations.

      2. Conduct and Discipline

        Registered campus organizations are required to comply with University policies and campus regulations or they will be subject to revocation of registration, loss of privileges, or other sanctions for violation of such policies or regulations. In denying or revoking registration or applying sanctions, campus regulations shall provide an opportunity for a hearing, at the request of the registered campus organization, with basic standards of procedural due process.

      3. University Name

        A registered campus organization shall not use the name of the University of California or abbreviations thereof as a part of its own name except in accordance with University policies and campus regulations.

      4. Fees

        Chancellors may establish procedures permitting the use of the registration process or other means to collect voluntary fees from students in support of registered campus organizations when:

        1. The registered campus organization serves the educational purposes of the University;

        2. The voluntary fee is collected following an election in which a substantial number, as specified by the Chancellor in advance of the election, of students participate and in which at least a majority of those voting vote in favor of the collection of the fee;

        3. The costs of collection of the fee are borne by the registered campus organization.

        Procedures established hereunder shall provide that the University does not sponsor or endorse any such campus organization."