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510 - Use of University Properties

Section: 510-1 Section VI
Effective: 04/01/1981
Supersedes: Not Applicable
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/01/1981
Issuing Office: Registrar

PPM 510-1 Section VI Policy [pdf format]


  1. Definitions

    1. General Use of Classrooom Space

      Those rooms assigned to the jurisdiction of the Registrar by the Office of Capital Planning and Budget for the primary purpose of housing regularly scheduled classroom instruction. See Schedule 1, Section III for a list of these classrooms. Use of School of Medicine classroom space is scheduled by the Office of Learning Resources and is normally limited to School of Medicine instructional purposes.

    2. Regularly Scheduled Instruction

      Those courses approved by the Academic Senate, offered by UCSD academic departments and programs, and taught in the Fall, Winter, or Spring quarters of the academic year.

  2. Scheduling of University General Use Classroom Space

    1. Use for Regular Session Classroom Instruction

      1. Policy

        The Registrar is responsible for the assignment of time and space for all regularly scheduled instruction via the class scheduling process. Those assignments are reflected in the Quarterly Schedule of Classes, the Schedule Update, and the Revised Schedule of Classes published by the Registrar's Office. The Registrar's responsibilities in the scheduling process include the following:

        1. To call for proposed course scheduling from all campus academic departments and programs;

        2. To ensure that only approved courses are listed in the official Quarterly Schedule of Classes, the Revised Schedule of Classes, or the Schedule Update. A course approval form for each course showing official written approval of the Academic Senate must be on file in the Registrar's Office prior to publications deadlines;

        3. To schedule courses only according to the manner in which they are approved on the course approval form;

        4. To schedule for joint meetings in the same location at the same time only those courses officially approved for crosslisting on the course approval form; all co-sponsoring departments must agree to teach a course as a crosslisting;

        5. To schedule general use classroom space in such a manner as to most effectively meet the State standard of 53 weekly room hour utilization and to support the campuswide commitment to improved classroom utilization. In order to meet the standard and to capture all regularly scheduled classroom instructional hours, only general use classroom space may be used for all regularly scheduled classroom instruction;

        6. To assign times and days of the weeks for class meetings according to the following specifications:

          1. All classes must begin on the hour with the exception of those 80 minute classes in the Tuesday-Thursday sequence which may begin on the half hour. The 80 minute daytime class periods will generally be scheduled in the following time blocks: 8:30-9:50, 10:00-11:20, 11:30-12:50, 1:00-2:20, 2:30-3:50, 4:00-5:20, 5:30-6:50, 7:00-8:20, 8:30-9:50;

          2. Two hour per week lecture courses must be scheduled for 50 minutes each on Tuesday and Thursday;

          3. Three hours per week lecture courses must be scheduled for either 50 minutes each on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or for 80 minutes each on Tuesday and Thursday;

          4. In the case of four hour per week lecture courses, requests to schedule all lectures at the same hour are subject to modification. Four lecture hours will be assigned times which will not cause undue scheduling hardships for a significant number of students;

          5. Section meetings must be distributed throughout the day and week. Reguests to schedule all sections of a course after the last course lecture hour of the week cannot be accommodated. For example, all the sections associated with a Tuesday-Thursday 10:00-11:20 class cannot be scheduled only at any time after 11:20 on Thursday and on Friday. Requests to schedule all sections of a course in the same time block as the lecture cannot be accommodated. For example, all sections associated with a Monday-Wednesday-Friday 11:00-11:50 class cannot be scheduled only at 11:00-11:50 on Tuesday and Thursday;

          6. Problem sessions will normally be scheduled after regularly scheduled lectures and discussion sessions for all courses have been accommodated;

          7. An attempt will be made to schedule significant sequence courses identified by the Provost Offices at the same time each quarter. However, because of new sequences and student program conflicts modifications may be necessary. Conflicts will be resolved by Provost Office academic advising personnel to ensure that basic foundation courses are available to students. An assumption that sequence courses will meet at the same time each quarter should not be made.

        7. To assign courses, including upper division and graduate seminars, only to general use classroom space on all four campuses regardless of the locations of the respective department offices;

        8. To ensure that enrollments do not exceed classroom capacities prior to the beginning of instruction. Maximum classroom capacities are determined by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. An exception to allow a class to exceed the capacity of a room must be based on experience that attrition will occur during the add/drop period and requires the written approval of the Registrar;

        9. To assign courses to classrooms of appropriate size. Prior to the enrollment of students, appropriate size will be determined by the class limit requested by the department. Prior to the third week of instruction each quarter, classes may be reassigned based on enrollments;

        10. To distribute a limited number of complimentary copies of the Schedule of Classes, Schedule Updates, and Revised Schedule of Classes booklets to appropriate offices. These complimentary copies are intended for the use of University faculty and staff only. Students may purchase copies in the University Bookstore. Departments may purchase additional copies at the University Bookstore.

      2. Procedure

        1. Nineteen weeks prior to the publication of the Schedule of Classes for a given quarter, the Registrar sends scheduling data (current department faculty list, a list of approved courses for the department, and a list of courses normally offered that term) to all academic departments and programs. The purpose of this process is to obtain updated faculty and scheduling information for development of the schedule. Included with the information is a cover letter giving instructions and specifying a due date (allowing approximately three weeks);

        2. Using the scheduling information received from departments and programs, computer files are updated, modification (mod) sheets are generated and sent to departments and programs fourteen weeks prior to the publicaton of the Schedule of Classes. The purpose of the ``Mod'' sheets is to obtain department preference of day and time for each section, specify instructors for each section, and submit special facilities requsts. Included with the ``Mod'' sheets are supplementary scheduling information, an approed course listing and instructions specifying a due date that allows four weeks for departments to formulate schedule requests.

        3. Course approval forms generating new courses or changes to existing courses that affect the class schedule information submitted are due in the Registrar's Office on the same date the ``Mod'' sheets are due. These deadlines allow sufficient time for processing Request for Course Approval forms through appropriate offices and review by the Committee on Educational Policy of the Academic Senate before the schedule is finalized. Course Approval forms submitted after the deadline or not approved by the final deadline for departmental review of the completed Schedule of Classes will not be included in the Schedule of Classes publication.

        4. After entering schedule requests received on ``Mod'' sheets into the computer, scheduling staff preassign designated space (e.g., SDCC trailers) and special schedule needs (not recognized by Schedule25) to facilities. Then using the Schedule25 algorithn facilities are assigned to regularly scheduled lecture sessions (e.g., MWF 8:00-8:50). After a successful Schedule25 run, scheduling staff manually assign classroom space to courses not accommodated by Schedule25 (e.g., discussion sessions and some regularly scheduled lecture sessions through negotiation with department contacts). Prior to sending a review schedule to the departments and programs, Directors of Academic Advising for each of the five undergraduate colleges review the schedule. On a consultative basis, they assist with resolution of conflicts and request changes needed to ensure that full programs are available for students to make normal progress toward their degrees.

        5. Seven weeks after ``Mod'' sheets arrive back at the Registrar's Office, a computer printout (Schedule Listing) of the compiled schedule is delivered to departments and programs for editing. In the twenty-four to forty-eight hour review period, department contacts are asked to review the schedule for typographical errors or to delete courses that should not appear. Department contacts may also request changes to resolve conflicts or supply additional information. Changes and additions must be made to the schedule by this deadline in order to be published in the Schedule of Classes booklet. Scheduling conflicts that cannot be resolved through negotiation at this time are submitted to the Vice Chancellor-Undergraduate Affairs and the Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs for final review and resolution. Immediately following the close of the review period, the schedule is sent to the printer. The Quarterly Schedule of Classes booklets are due in the University Bookstore on the Friday of the week prior to continuing student academic advising.

        6. Once the Schedule of Classes has been sent to the printer, the schedule file is used as the database for the enrollment system. Changes of time and days of courses are then negotiated with students enrolled in courses after the beginning of instruction. Changes of classroom location in repsponse to enrollment demands are made on a space available basis following continuing student enrollment processing. All changes to the schedule made prior to Friday of the ninth week are included in the Schedule Update each quarter as well as in the Revised Schedule of Classes for Fall.

        7. During the first two weeks of instruction, changes or additions are made to the current schedule. Since departments and programs are responsible for maintaining enrollments in sections that do not exceed the safety limits for clasrooms (established by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety), department contacts call scheduling staff to verify availability of larger rooms before over enrolling classes.

    2. Use For Regular Classroom Instruction-Related Activities

      1. Policy

        1. Regular session classroom instruction related activities, including review sessions, film sessions, mid-term examinations or quiz sessions may be scheduled into general use classroom space on a space-available basis.

      2. Procedure

        1. Reservations should be called in by the instructor or by the department scheduling contact. Reservations will not be accepted from teaching assistants or from students enrolled in the course related to the activity.

    3. Use For Regular Session Final Examination Week

      1. Policy

        1. Final examinations are given each quarter from Tuesday through Saturday in the week following the final day of instruction for the quarter. No classes, section meetings, review sessions requiring attendance, or events requiring the attendance of students may be held during final examination week. Room reservations for informal review or study sessions will be accepted.

        2. Academic Senate regulations provide that final examinations must be given in all scheduled classes during the regularly scheduled examination time periods. Deviations from Senate regulations must be approved in advance by the Registrar who will report changes to the Committee on Educational Policy on a quarterly basis. If a change in time is approved, the final examination may be offered at the newly scheduled time. However, the final examination must also remain available to students at the original time.

        3. Monday of the final examination week is designated as a Free Day, a day expressly set aside to allow students to study for their final examinations. No extra class sessions, final examinations, events, or formal review sessions requiring the attendance of students may be held on the Free Day. No confirmed reservations in University general use classrooms will be permitted.

      2. Procedure

        1. A three hour time block is reserved for each final examination. In order to minimize conflicts in student and room schedules, all classes meeting at the same time and day during the quarter are scheduled for the same examination time block. The final examination classroom location will generally be the classroom used for instruction during the quarter. Changes in classroom location or use of additional classroom space must be arranged through the Registrar's Office.

        2. The Registrar will publish the general final examination schedule in the Quarterly Schedule of Classes booklet. The general schedule indicates examination time blocks for all classes beginning on the hour or half hour beginning at 8:00 or 8:30 through 5:00 or 5:30 for Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday classes. The three hour time blocks for final examinations are as follows: 8:00-11:00, 11:30-2:30, 3:00-6:00 and 7:00-10:00 p.m.

        3. Classes beginning at 6:00 p.m. or later and classes meeting other than Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday will have their final examination times arranged by the Registrar's Office. Times for all final examinations requiring special arrangements will be announced in class by the instructor.

        4. By the end of the seventh week of instruction each quarter, the Registrar's Office will send a schedule to each department showing final examination times and locations for the respective courses in the department. All changes or additions to the examination scheduling must be cleared with the Registrar's Office prior to 4:30 p.m. on Monday of the ninth week of instruction. At that time, copies of the completed final examination schedule will be sent to the Provost Offices and to the Registrar's General Services area for student information.

    4. Use For Other Than Regular Session Instruction, Regular Sessions Instruction-Related Activities, or Final Examinations

      Reservations for general use classroom space will ordinarily be confined to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 1l:00 p.m. Scheduled events proposed to begin prior to 8:00 a.m. or to end past 11:00 p.m. require written permission of the Registrar in consultation with Buildings and Grounds personnel in charge of maintenance.

      1. Use for College Orientations of New Students

        1. Policy

          The Provost Offices of the undergraduate colleges schedule time in general use classroom space for new student orientations. The orientations are generally held between the Monday following final examination week and the Wednesday before the beginning of instruction in the quarter for which the new students are registering.

        2. Procedure

          Room reservations are requested by memo from the college office to the Registrar's Office. Since Fall Quarter new student registrations require extensive use of classroom space and must be coordinated with other summer activities, advance reservation requests for the coming summer are due at the Registrar's Office by December 15. Reservations will be processed and confirmation will be sent to the college office in January.

      2. Use for Summer Session Instruction and Final Examinations

        1. Course Scheduling

          In December, the Summer Session Office will inform the Registrar's Office of Summer Session courses to be offered, course time and day requirements, campus location preference, class limit, and number of weeks each course will be in session. When courses have been scheduled, the Registrar's Office will provide confirmation of the reservations to the Summer Session Office.

        2. Final Examination Scheduling

          On the basis of courses scheduled for Summer Session, the Registrar's Office will schedule three-hour final examination time blocks and space for all Summer Session six-week courses. Final examinations are generally held in the classroom in which instruction was held. Courses taught for a duration other than six weeks will hold final examinations in the final meeting of the class.

      3. Use for University Extension Courses

        1. Policy

          1. University Extension Classes may be scheduled into University general use classroom space on a space available basis only after regular session instructional program needs have been satisfied for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters. On Monday through Friday, University Extension classes may not be scheduled to begin prior to 7:00 p.m. They may be scheduled all day and in the evening hours on weekends, during quarter breaks, and during the summer.

          2. University Extension classes may not meet in University general classroom space during final examination week. Such space may be used by University Extension classes on the Free Day in final examination week. However, classroom availability cannot be guaranteed.

          3. Through the end of the second week of instruction in Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters, changes in the location of University Extension classes may be necessitated by needs of the regular instructional program. In such cases, the necessary changes will be made after consultation with all parties concerned and with their substantial concurrence.

        2. Procedure

          1. University Extension will submit to the Registrar's Office a list of scheduling requests including course numbers, day, time, proposed room, and date courses will be in session. Reservations for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters may be confirmed only after all regular session instruction scheduling for the Quarterly Schedule of Classes have been completed. Changes or additions to University Extension scheduling will be confirmed by a Reservation of Facilities (Exhibit IV-A) form from the Registrar's Office.

      4. Use for the Conference Coordinator

        1. Policy

          General use classrooms will be scheduled for use on a space available basis by the Conference Coordinator only after regular session and University Extension instructional program needs have been satisfied for the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters. They may be scheduled day and evening hours on weekends, during quarter breaks, and during the summer at which time Summer Session and University Extension in that order will have preference. Conferences may meet in general use classroom space on the Free Day in final examination week. However, availability of the classroom cannot be guaranteed.

        2. Procedure

          The Conference Coordinator's Office processes requests for use of University facilities, including general use classroom space. The Conference Coordinator's office requests the Registrar's Office to schedule general use classroom space. During the summer months from the close of the last day of final examination week in Spring quarter to the first day of instruction in Fall quarter, the general use classrooms in Tioga and Tenaya Halls on the John Muir campus are scheduled through the Conference Coordinator's Office.

      5. Use for Meetings of Authorized On-Campus Faculty, Staff, and Student Groups

        1. Policy

          Reservations may be made for general use classroom space for meetings of authorized on-campus faculty, staff, and student groups in accordance with Section IV of this PPM.

        2. Procedure

          Reservations for general use classroom space from faculty and staff members may be made by calling the Registrar's Office.

          Reservations made by faculty and staff less than two days in advance will be confirmed by telephone. Notification regarding scheduled events required by Buildings and Grounds and the Police Department will be made by telephone by Registrar Office Personnel.

          Reservations for general use classroom space for student meetings must be made by submitting a Request to Use UCSD Classroom Space to the front counter of the Registrar's Office. Such requests should be submitted only after student groups confirm that the event cannot be scheduled in space provided for this purpose at the PRICE CENTER.

          The Registrar's Office will review the request and intended use of the space, confirm that the group requesting space is a recognized student group, and approve or disapprove the proposed use. The requestor may pick up a confirmation of the request at the Registrar's front service counter after 2:00 p.m. the next day.

          The Registrar's Office will not accept telephone requests from students for classroom space reservations.

          Copies of a Reservation of Facilities form will be distributed to Buildings and Grounds and to the Police Department as required.

  3. Registrar's General Use Classroom Maintenance Responsibilities

    1. Maintenance of Inventory of Classroom Characteristics

      The Registrar's Office will establish and maintain a file of pertinent information regarding each of the general use classrooms. The purpose of the inventory file (Exhibit VI-B) is to aid the Registrar's office in assigning appropriate general use classrooms for instruction meetings as well as events.

      Special equipment may not be added to a general use classroom on a permanent basis.

    2. Inspection and Maintenance of General Use Classrooms

      One time each quarter, a representative of the Registrar's Office will visit each general use classroom. The purposes of the inspection are to verify and correct, if necessary, the inventory file of classroom characteristics and to collect data concerning need for improvement in classroom conditions.

      Classrooms will be inspected after large gatherings such as film series events. Repairs necessitated by damages or excessive maintenance requirements attributable to a specific activity will be recharged to the unit or organization sponsoring that activity.

    3. Group III Equipment

      The Registrar is responsible for the maintenance and replacement of Group III equipment (chairs, tables, and lecterns) in the classrooms.

      The custodial staff will report any such deficiencies to the Registrar.