Section: 520-4
Effective: 06/15/1989
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: TBD
Issuing Office: Environment, Health & Safety
All processes or activities in the UCSD work environment shall be controlled so as to eliminate, as completely as possible, the use of disposable polystyrene foam (Styrofoam) and other disposable polystyrene plastic products. These products should not be present in the UCSD work place unless no reasonable replacements are available. It is University policy to achieve the lowest possible use of disposable polystyrene foam and related plastic commodities.
Convinced that disposable polystyrene foam and related disposable polystyrene plastics represent a hazard to the environment, the faculty, staff, and students of the University of California, San Diego have responded with a policy of eliminating these products from the campus. Disposable polystyrene foam and related plastic products are non-biodegradable and present the environment with present and future problems of significant consequence. Disposable polystyrene products represent a significant solid waste disposal problem because of their non-biodegradable nature. The University, as a leader in the field of science, has taken a pacesetting role in the restriction of these environmentally sensitive disposable polystyrene products.
A. Use
1. General use of disposable polystyrene foam and other disposable polystyrene plastic products shall be confined to situations when no reasonable replacement product is available. All appropriate replacement items are to be biodegradable in nature.
2. Campus Purchasing will request that vendors package equipment and supplies in biodegradable packing whenever possible. Administrative units purchasing goods independently of Campus Purchasing are also asked to request biodegradable packing when possible.
3. Material Management will use biodegradable packing whenever possible. Administrative units engaged in material processing activities independent of Materiel Management are also asked to use biodegradable packing when possible. However, polystyrene packing materials received in vendor shipments should be reused when feasible. The reuse of vendor supplied polystyrene packing is an opportunity to recycle these materials and prevent their entry into the environment.
4. Campus Food Services will use biodegradable products whenever possible.
B. Disposal
1. Physical Plant Services will establish disposable polystyrene foam and related plastics disposal/recycling procedures for the appropriate elimination of such materials.
2. Disposable polystyrene foam and related plastics not disposed of in the designated manner shall be disposed of in the general waste facility.
Each administrative unit, researcher, or supervisor of a work area is responsible for implementing these procedures.