UC San Diego

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516 - Environment, Health & Safety

Section: 516-15
Effective: 07/27/2010
Supersedes: 05/01/1998
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: TBD
Issuing Office: Environment, Health & Safety

PPM 516-15 Policy [pdf format]


I.      REFERENCES       


A.    California Code of Regulations, Title 8, General Industry Safety Orders


B.    UCSD Blink website Hearing Conservation Manual




It is the University’s policy to protect employees from hearing loss due to occupational noise exposure by identifying, evaluating, and controlling those areas and jobs where the 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) is above 85 decibels (dBA). The Hearing Conservation Program is administered by the Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S). 




The Hearing Conservation Program is provided when an employee’s noise level is above an 8-hour TWA of 85 dBA and consists of:


A.    Assessment of employee noise exposure level


B.    Implementation of engineering, administrative, and/or personal protective equipment controls to reduce noise levels


C.    Audiometric tests: baseline, annual, and post employment


D.    Employee training/education


E.    Record keeping of noise exposure level, training log, and audiometric exam


F.    Program review and updates




A.    Supervisor


1.     Contact EH&S if routine tasks require an employee to be exposed to excessive noise.


2.     Maintain noise producing equipment in good repair.


3.     Limit employees scheduled work time in a noisy area or equipment.


4.     Provide hearing protection appropriate for the measured noise levels.



5.     Coordinate employee training on hearing conservation and the proper use and care of hearing protectors.


6.     Coordinate baseline (within 6 months of employee’s first exposure to action level), annual, and exit audiometric tests with the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (COEM) for employees exposed to noise levels exceeding the 8-hour TWA of 85dBA. 


7.     Notify employees of the need to avoid high levels of occupational and non-occupational noise exposure during the 14-hour period immediately preceding the audiometric examination.


8.     Employees requiring repeat audiometric tests must be rescheduled by the supervisor with the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine within 30 days.


9.     Ensure that the summary of the audiometric record from COEM is filed in the departmental employee personnel file.


10.  Ensure that employees are in compliance with the Hearing Conservation Program.


B.    Employees


1.     Wear hearing protectors when using equipment exceeding 85 dBA or in designated hearing conservation areas.


2.     Avoid high levels of occupational and non-occupational noise exposure during the 14-hour period immediately preceding the audiometric examination.


3.     Attend hearing conservation classes offered by EH&S.


4.     Comply with the UCSD Hearing Conservation Program.


5.     Inform supervisor if noise producing equipment needs maintenance.


C.   Environment, Health and Safety


1.     Conduct noise monitoring to identify employees likely to be exposed to or at areas exceeding the 8-hour TWA of 85 dBA.


2.     Provide hearing conservation training classes.


3.     Inform employees of their noise exposure and facilitate employee receipt of audiometric test results.


4.     Maintain records of noise exposure measurements for at least 2 years.


5.     Provide consultation services on the selection of hearing protector and all aspects of the Hearing Conservation Program.


D.    Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine


1.     Conduct and evaluate audiometric tests


2.     Aid in the rescheduling of repeat audiograms within 30 days


3.     Inform employees of the audiometric test results


4.     Provide EH&S and/or Department Contact the Audiogram Summary


5.     Maintain audiometric test records for duration of employment.