Section: 516-29
Effective: 08/18/2023
Supersedes: 08/17/2022
Next Review Date: 08/18/2026
Issuance Date: 08/21/2024
Issuing Office: Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S)
This policy applies to emergency notifications sent by the University regarding incidents that occur on on-campus property at UC San Diego as defined by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC Section 1092(f)(6)).
The medical facilities that are located on on-campus property (collectively, the “La Jolla Medical Campus” (“LJMC”)) use a notification system for emergencies that may impact their hospital or clinical settings in addition to receiving Triton Alerts that are issued pursuant to this Policy. A map of LJMC the “La Jolla Medical Campus” can be found at Appendix A to this Policy.
The University of California San Diego provides emergency notifications to members of our campus community and the public upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees.
As required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), UC San Diego has developed and maintains a system known as the “TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification” system, which is used to immediately inform the UC San Diego community upon confirmation of an emergency or dangerous situation that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees.
If an event occurs at the LJMC that may impact the hospital or clinical settings, including an emergency or dangerous situation, the LJMC will activate its Emergency Operations Plan. If the event constitutes an emergency or dangerous situation that has the potential to impact the (non-medical) campus, a TRITON ALERT will also be issued as described in this Policy.
Reporting Emergencies - All members of the UC San Diego community should report emergencies to the UC San Diego Police Department by calling 9-1-1. The UC San Diego Police Department can request other emergency responders, such as Fire or Paramedics, in addition to local law enforcement.
Any situation or incident that involves a significant emergency or danger that may pose an immediate or on-going threat to the health and safety of students, employees and/or visitors on campus should be reported immediately.
Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation which presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, UC San Diego will without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.
The types of emergencies that may trigger a TRITON ALERT include, but are not limited to: an approaching tornado, hurricane or other extreme weather condition; a structure or wildland fire; an outbreak of meningitis, norovirus, or other serious contagious illness; a natural disaster; gas leak; active shooter or armed intruder; a bomb threat; civil unrest or rioting; an explosion; a terrorist incident; a nearby chemical or hazardous materials spill; or a significant impact power outage.
A TRITON ALERT will be sent for emergencies affecting LJMC if the emergency threatens the health and safety of students and employees beyond the LJMC, or if there is a need for the community outside of the LJMC to be informed of the emergency in order to stay away from the area. The issuance of an LJMC alert typically does not replace the obligation to issue a TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification if one is required.
The LJMC will activate its Emergency Operations Plan and issue one of four different activation levels (“Level of Activation”), in the event a situation or emergency may impact its hospital or clinical settings. “Level of Activation” is defined as any of four activation levels at which the hospital’s Emergency Operations Plan will become active. An activation can occur at any level and does not require a stepwise sequence of activation.
Level 1 Activation (Alert/Monitoring) occurs when advance notice is received about an incident that has the potential to produce casualties or disrupt normal business operations. The hospital is not currently impacted by the incident (e.g., a severe thunderstorm, a notification about a train accident with no known casualties at that time).
Level 2 (Minor) Activation occurs when there is an incident having a minor impact on hospital operations. This type of activation typically occurs when an incident impacts one or two departments or a small part of operations, its scope is limited and of short duration.
Level 3 (Moderate) Activation occurs when an incident has a moderate impact on operations. This type of activation typically occurs when an incident impacts about half of hospital operations and requires substantial support. The UC San Diego Police Department and Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department are also notified.
Level 4 (Major) Activation occurs when there is an incident with likely significant impact on operations, including the potential for long duration. This type of activation is considered significant, meaning that nearly all normal activities in the hospital are disrupted and the focus of most leadership and staff is on the incident. The UC San Diego Police Department and Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department are also notified.
Some alerts are sent before a Level of Activation is determined. These alerts must be issued immediately before the Hospital Incident Command System can be implemented. These alerts include, but are not limited to Active Intruder, Active Shooter and Code Adam (abduction or missing infant/child). In the event of an Active Intruder, Active Shooter or Code Adam, or any other non-medical community emergency, the UC San Diego Police Department and Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department must be notified immediately. Based on the situation, a Level of Activation will be implemented as soon as possible after the incident commences.
TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications will contain a brief description of the emergency with instructions about what to do.
TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification instructions should be followed immediately.
The LJMC Alerts will contain instructions that are applicable to the Level of Activation.
If the emergency affects only a small portion of UC San Diego and is unlikely to impact the larger community, a TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification may be made only to the group affected; this decision will be made by the UC San Diego Police Department Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Watch Commander, the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department Director or the UC San Diego Campus Emergency Manager.
In the event an evacuation of a portion or all of the campus is needed, the TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification will describe those evacuation procedures. The Emergency Operations and Incident Management Plan (EOP) and the EmergencyManagement web page also include evacuation guidelines that will be used in the event of a campus evacuation.
In the event an evacuation of part or all of the LJMC is needed, the Emergency Operations Plan Alerts will provide the hospital community with instructions about evacuation procedures.
After the initial TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification, follow-up information will be distributed by additional TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications, as needed, until the emergency or threat has concluded and an all-clear message has been sent.
Updates and follow-up information will also be added to the UC San Diego homepage or the Campus Emergency Current Status page, or another website created specifically for the emergency as appropriate. The updates and follow-up information will be completed by the Executive Director, Internal Communications or the Senior Executive Director, Public Relations or their designee within the Public Relations department.
The LJMC is responsible for issuing an all-clear message for all alerts. The all-clear message types may be limited to personnel initially notified of an incident.
A. E-MAIL to Official UC San Diego Accounts
When it has been determined that a TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification is required, an e-mail will be sent to all students, faculty and staff at their official e-mail address. The university-wide e-mail subject line will be “TRITON ALERT.” University students, faculty and staff may not opt-out of receiving TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications sent to their official UC San Diego email account.
On an annual basis, all UC San Diego students, faculty and staff will be asked to provide text message contact information to be used for the purpose of receiving TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications, Timely Warnings, Community Alert Bulletins, or as part of a drill to test the TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification system. In order to receive these notifications via text message, individuals must provide accurate and up-to-date contact information.
Students, faculty and staff are reminded to update their contact numbers once a year and are advised to update the information sooner if it changes. Contact information may be updated at the Triton Alert Emergency Notifications page. UC San Diego strongly encourages all students, faculty and staff to provide contact information for text messages; however, individuals may opt-out from receiving these notifications via text message. Opt-out information may be found at the Triton Alert FAQ page.
Standard text messaging rates apply.
Everbridge mobile app, telephone, loudspeakers, bullhorns, Talkaphone Callboxes, UC San Diego Police Department vehicle public address systems, building fire alarm systems or paper postings are methods that may also be used to relay information in an emergency or threatening situation.
Emergency information may also be provided through announcements to TritonLink, Blink, campus emergency status messages, social media websites, and the UC San Diego Radio Station (1610 AM).
Levels of Activation:
Level 1 Alert - Key personnel alerted via page, text or email.
Level 2 Alert - Key personnel alerted via page, text or email - Opening of the Hospital Command Centr, either virtually or physically, with limited positions assigned as the situation warrants.
Level 3 Alert - Key personnel alerted via page, text or email - activation of Hospital Incident Command System team. Enhanced management in the Hospital Command Center is required.
Level 4 Alert - All staff notified via page, text, email and overhead announcement system.
Other timely alerts may be issued to Health System personnel before a Level of Activation is implemented, such as an Active Intruder, Active Shooter and Code Adam (abduction or missing infant/child). The method of communication for these alerts without a Level of Activation may be different based on the emergency code or incident, but will usually go out multimodally – page, text, email, and/or overhead system.
The following web sites may also contain local emergency information:
2. UC San Diego Emergency Status website
5. UC San Diego Police Department website
6. San Diego County Emergency homepage
7. UC San Diego Health homepage
Or an additional website created for the emergency by UC San Diego, if appropriate.
In the event an emergency is prolonged, such as in the case of a pandemic, UC San Diego may use additional methods of communication to provide on-going information, resources and guidance relating to the emergency to the campus community in addition to TRITON ALERTS/LJMC Alerts. The purpose of these communications is to keep the campus community informed of day-to-day operational needs or changes relating to the emergency without necessarily relating to an escalation in the emergency itself. These types of notifications include emails, text messages, social media postings, website postings, and town halls and may be issued to segments of the population as needed. The decision to issue these communications and the content of these communications will be determined by the Chancellor’s office or other Cabinet-level offices as appropriate. These notifications do not replace TRITON ALERTS or LJMC Alerts.
A full-scale test of the TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification system will occur at least once a year. One of the tests will generally be performed in conjunction with a regional drill or exercise. The University will publicize its emergency response and evacuation procedures in conjunction with the annual test. For each test, the University documents a description of the exercise, the date and time, and whether it was announced or unannounced. Documentation of each test will take place and be maintained by the University for seven years.
LJMC will test the Level of Activation system for all Health faculty and staff at least once a year. For each test, UC San Diego Health documents a description of the exercise, the date and time, and whether it was announced or unannounced. Documentation of each test will take place and be maintained by UC San Diego Health for seven years.
8. TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications to Others
Individuals who are not faculty, staff or students may sign up to receive TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications by texting “TRITONALERT” to 888777. Once enrolled via text, individuals will also receive an option to receive TRITON ALERT Emergency Notifications by email by providing their email address.
These individuals will be automatically unsubscribed each year with an option to subscribe again by texting “TRITONALERT” to 888777.
Standard text messaging rates apply.
Individuals in the surrounding communities may go to the main UC San Diego homepage or the Campus Emergency Current Status page for information regarding any significant emergency or dangerous situation which presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees.
The following individuals are responsible for providing information to the Executive Director, Internal Communications or the Senior Executive Director, Public Relations or their designee within the Public Relations Department so that websites can be updated appropriately.
a. UC San Diego Police Department Chief;
b. UC San Diego Police Department Police Assistant Chief;
c. UC San Diego Police Department Police Captain;
d. UC San Diego Police Department Police Lieutenant;
e. UC San Diego Police Department Police Watch Commander;
f. Campus Environment, Health and Safety Department Director;
g. Campus Emergency Manager; or
h. If none of these individuals are available, a direct designee of the UC San Diego Police Department Police Chief who is within the UC San Diego Police Department or a direct designee of the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Director who is within the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department
The following individuals are responsible for contacting the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services or San Diego Police Department to provide information regarding the emergency or dangerous threat and to coordinate the appropriate response, as necessary.
a. UC San Diego Police Department Chief;
b. UC San Diego Police Department Assistant Chief;
c. UC San Diego Police Department Captain;
d. UC San Diego Police Department Lieutenant;
e. UC San Diego Police Department Watch Commander; or
f. Campus Environment, Health and Safety Department Director;
g. Campus Emergency Manager; or
h. If none of these individuals are available, a direct designee of the UC San Diego Police Department Police Chief who is within the UC San Diego Police Department or a direct designee of the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Director who is within the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department
In the case of a reported significant emergency or threat, the UC San Diego Police Department Watch Commander or the UC San Diego Campus Emergency Manager, or in the event neither is available, their designated substitutes, will confirm with first responders / area experts whether the emergency or dangerous situation exists. Confirmation of an immediate threat or emergency does not necessarily mean that all of the pertinent details are known or even available.
Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation which presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, the following individuals or offices are authorized to draft and send a TRITON ALERT Emergency Notification message:
a. UC San Diego Police Department Police Chief;
b. UC San Diego Police Department Police Assistant Chief;
c. UC San Diego Police Department Police Captain;
d. UC San Diego Police Department Police Lieutenant;
e. UC San Diego Police Department Watch Commander;
f. Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department Director;
g. Campus Emergency Manager; or
h. If none of these individuals are available, any designee of the UC San Diego Police Department Police Chief who is within the UC San Diego Police Department, any designee of the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department Director who is within the Campus Environment, Health & Safety Department, or a member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet.
These individuals will also be responsible for deciding whether to send a TRITON ALERT for emergencies affecting the LJMC.
The following individuals are authorized to activate the Emergency Operations Plan and draft and send a Level of Activation alert in the event a situation or emergency may impact its hospital or clinical settings:
A. Director, Emergency Management, UC San Diego Health
B. Emergency Management Coordinators, UC San Diego Health
C. Director, Security, UC San Diego Health
D. Security Operations Center Dispatchers, UC San Diego Health
E. Administrators On-Calls (AOCs), UC San Diego Health
F. Ambulatory Administrators On-Call (AAOC’s), UC San Diego Health
G. Hospital Operators, UC San Diego Health
1. UC San Diego Emergency Operations & Incident Management Plan
2. Emergency Preparedness – Blink
3. The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting
4. Clery Act Appendix for Federal Student Aid (FSA) Handbook
August 21, 2024 – Policy revised to update nomenclature of La Jolla Medical Campus from East Campus Medical Center and minor edits.
August 18, 2023 – Policy revised to update procedures at ECMC.
August 17, 2022 – Policy revised to include new methods for signing up to receive Triton Alerts, additional department responsibilities, address how text messages are used, and other minor edits.
April 11, 2022 – Policy revised to include campus notifications in on-going emergency situations.
September 23, 2021 – Policy revised to include UC San Diego Health East Campus Medical Center emergency notification procedures.
December 14, 2020 – Policy revised to align with Clery Act requirements. October 13, 2020 – Policy formally reviewed and formatted. Minor edits made.
October 10, 2017 - Policy revised to update Emergency Notification procedures. Also, Policy reformatted into standard template.
September 22, 2016 - New policy.
Appendix A: Map of LJMC Geography (Note yellow shaded area is approximate and is provided as a general reference only.)
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