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440 - Real Property

Section: 440-1
Effective: 04/01/1998
Supersedes: Not Applicable
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 04/01/1998
Issuing Office: Real Estate Development (RED)

PPM 440-1 Policy [pdf format]



    Real Estate Development (RED) supports the University's mission of education, research, public service, and healthcare by facilitating real property transactions involving the UCSD Campus and the UCSD Medical Center (UCSDMC) facilities.

  2. SCOPE

    As designated by the Chancellor, Real Estate Development is responsible for the management of real property transactions involving acquisition, disposition, licensing of/for and leasing of/for the UCSD Campus and UCSDMC facilities. The primary responsibilities of Real Estate Development are to review, negotiate, coordinate, and process real property transactions and related matters.


    1. Real Property Transactions

      All transactions involving real property including the acquisition/disposition of real property, leasing or licensing of University land and buildings to or leasing or licensing property from external entities must be directed by Real Estate Development.

    2. Requirement for Written Agreement

      All transactions permitting the use of University real property by an external entity or use of an external entity’s real property by a UCSD/UCSDMC department/entity require a fully executed agreement between The Regents of the University of California and the external entity prior to the use of such property.

    3. Signature Authorization

      A real property agreement, depending on one or more of the following criteria 1) length of term of the agreement; 2) monetary value associated with the agreement; and 3) revocability of the agreement, must be approved and signed by the Chancellor or designee, the President of the University, or The Regents of the University of California.

    4. Insurance and Indemnification

      In general, all agreements providing for the use of real property must contain insurance and indemnification requirements. The Office of the President/Risk Management has developed standard insurance and indemnification language for such agreements.