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510 - Use of University Properties

Section: 510-1 Section IX
Effective: 10/16/2024
Supersedes: 09/19/2024
Next Review Date: 09/10/2025
Issuance Date: 10/16/2024
Issuing Office: Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer, Vice Chancellor for Operations Management and Capital Programs and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life

PPM 510-1 Section IX Policy [pdf format]




The Expressive Activity Time, Place, and Manner Policy, in conjunction with other University Policies and applicable laws, describes UC San Diego’s time, place, and manner requirements for Expressive Activity while on University Property, including serving as UC San Diego’s implementing procedures for PACAOS Section 30.00.



Except as otherwise provided, the Expressive Activity Time, Place, and Manner Policy applies to all persons on University Property, includingall University Affiliates and University Non-affiliates. This Policy does not apply to University Supported Activities conducted or organized by University Officials acting within the course and scope of their assigned duties and responsibilities with the knowledge and approval of their Vice Chancellor or, in the case of the Health System, the Chief Executive Officer, UC San Diego Health.




For purposes of this Policy, the definitions in PACAOS 14.00, the University of California Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California, and those listed below apply:


1.     Ambient Noise means background noise in an environment, often a composite of sounds from many sources (e.g., traffic at a busy intersection, construction, crowd noise).

2.     Amplified Sound means sound that is made louder or stronger by using an instrument, device, or other equipment (e.g., bullhorns, amplifiers).

3.     Authorized Student Government means the UC San Diego student governments authorized by the Chancellor’s Office. Authorized Student Governments include Associated Students, Graduate and Professional Student Association, and undergraduate college councils.

4.     Expressive Activity means any speech or conduct protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and the California Constitution. Expressive Activity may include, but is not limited to, certain assemblies, demonstrations, speeches, distributing and posting Literature, carrying signs, and/or circulating petitions.

5.     Literature means printed material used to communicate information.

6.     Information Tabling Areas means the outdoor university locations identified on Appendix A.

7.     Non-Commercial means an activity not intended to have profit as its primary purpose.

8.     Reservable Areas means the outdoor university locations identified on Appendix B that may, with a reservation, be used for certain events and/or tabling; requests for reservations must be made using the links provided in Appendix B and any/all reservations for, and uses of, such areas are subject to location-specific rules that may be communicated as part of the reservation process.

9.     Structure or Display means any object (including fencing, tents, platforms, booths, and electronics) larger than two feet in any dimension that is placed or displayed in an outdoor area for 10 or more minutes and/or is left unattended in a public area. This does not include objects entirely supported or carried by a single person that do not extend more than one foot from that person (e.g., a signboard supported over a person’s shoulders).

10.  Tabling means staffing a single table, no larger than 6 feet by 3 feet, solely for purposes of distributing and/or collecting information. Tabling (for purposes of this Policy) cannot/does not include providing food or beverages, playing/conducting games, providing/offering prizes, and/or using Amplified Sound.

11.  University Affiliate means any person who is a student, officer, official volunteer, employee, Regent, emeritus of the University, or a member of a household authorized to reside in University Property, including as such terms are used in Section 100001.A.1–100001.A.4 of the Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California.

12.  University Non-affiliate has the definition provided in Section 100001 of the Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California.

13.  University Official includes any person employed by the University while performing in the course and scope of their assigned duties and responsibilities.

14.  University Policy means the written regulations of the University, including, but not limited to, the UC San Diego Policy and Procedure Manual (“PPM”) and other University policies, including Regental and/or systemwide university policies (e.g., PACAOS).

15.  University Property means any University-owned, -operated, -leased, -controlled, or -maintained property, including all University grounds and structures or such other property as may be designated by the campus as property subject to University Policy, including “Property” as defined in PACAOS 14.20 and “University Property” as defined in the Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California.

16.  University Supported Activity means any activity on, or off-campus which is initiated, organized, or supervised by the University. University Supported Activities include, but are not limited to, classes, research, lectures, administrative and student services, meetings, housing, programs, and events (including any such activities that may be conducted virtually (e.g., videoconferencing)).





Expressive Activity on University Property is permitted and encouraged provided that it complies with this Policy, all other University Policies, and applicable laws.

The time, place, and manner rules in this Policy are designed to protect the rights, safety, and property of the University community and the ability of the University to perform its functions while assuring that all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected right of free expression. The University will administer this Policy without regard to the viewpoint of the person or persons engaging in Expressive Activity.

Expressive Activity and other conduct that does not comply with this Policy is prohibited. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in discipline and/or civil and/or criminal legal liability.


This Policy, among other things, requires compliance with other University Policies. For ease of reference, other University Policies that also touch on Expressive Activities include, but are not limited to:

·       Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/3000127/NonAffiliateRegs#:~:text=No%20non%2Daffiliate%20shall%20solicit,profit%20or%20otherwise%2C%20except%20as)

·       UC San Diego’s Student Conduct Procedures (https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/PPM/docs/160-10.pdf (PPM 160-10))

·       UC San Diego Residential Life Community Standards (https://sage.ucsd.edu/procedures/index.html#UC-San-Diego-Residential-Life-C)

·       UC San Diego Policies relating to Use of University Properties (https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/ppm/docs/toc510.HTML (PPM 510-1 Section I-XIII)), including:

·       the Policy on Major Events on Campus (https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/ppm/docs/510-1.5a.HTML (PPM 510-1 Section V.A) certain events and activities, generally including those with more than 100 expected attendees, are subject to PPM 510-1 Section V.A)

·       the Use of University Properties for Commercial Purposes (https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/ppm/docs/510-1.10.HTML (PPM 510-1 Section X)

·       UC San Diego’s Policy relating to Environmental Sanitation-Housing (https://adminrecords.ucsd.edu/ppm/docs/516-10.3.pdf (PPM 516-10.3), which, in part, prohibits and/or restricts camping, fires, digging, and/or fencing)

·       University of California Policy re: Anti-Discrimination (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1001004/Anti-Discrimination)

·       University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (“PACAOS” (https://www.ucop.edu/student-equity-affairs/policies/pacaos.html)), including:

·       the Policy on Speech and Advocacy (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/2710523/PACAOS-30 (PACAOS 30))

·       the Policy on Use of University-Properties (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/2710524/PACAOS-40 (PACAOS 40), which, in part, includes requirements for individuals to identify themselves upon request to University Officials acting in the performance of their duties)

·       the Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/2710530/PACAOS-100 (PACAOS 100))

·       the Policy and Supplemental Guidelines on the Marketing of Credit Cards to Students (https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/2710541/PACAOS-Appendix-D (PACAOS Appendix D))



1.     Permitted Conduct. Subject to the rules in this Policy, other University Policies, and applicable laws, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11 p.m., Expressive Activity is permitted on outdoor University Property that is open to the public (excluding athletic fields/courts, parking lots and garages, the Epstein Family Amphitheater, vehicles, and maritime vessels). The outdoor University Property that is open to the public is subject to change at any time, with or without notice. All persons subject to this policy are required to follow the instructions of authorized University Officials regarding whether a particular space is open or closed to the public. Expressive Activities with more than 75 people are considered Major Events and are also subject to the rules and regulations stated in the Major Events Policy, PPM 510-1, Section V.A.

2.     Time of Use. Between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., outdoor open spaces, lawns, walkways, bike paths, roadways, crosswalks, fire lanes, parking lots, parking structures, and/or other thoroughfares are closed to all activities except coming and going to/from a University building, crossing the campus, or as part of a University Supported Activity.

3.     Prohibited Conduct. Demonstrations, assemblies, and other conduct are prohibited whenever they:

a.     Unreasonably disrupt or interfere with a University Supported Activity; a permitted Expressive Activity; University operations, business, academics, or co-curricular activities; the operations of businesses, lessees, or vendors authorized by the University; and/or the orderly conduct of the activities of the University (including, but not limited to, obstructing access to programs, activities, and/or campus areas that are ordinarily available to students).

b.     Intimidate, harass, and/or obstruct any University Affiliate or other person having lawful business with the University.

c.     Violate a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy and/or constitute an unauthorized intrusion into an individual’s personal life or affairs.

d.     Constitute physically abusive, threatening, and/or intimidating conduct toward any person that would put a reasonable person in fear for their physical safety.

e.     Interfere with and/or limit the free movement of another person in a manner that a reasonable person would find intimidating and/or offensive (e.g., surrounding people, blocking paths of travel, and/or surrounding vehicles).

f.       Restrain, detain, and/or confine another person by making that person stay or go somewhere against that person’s will.

g.     Block, obstruct, and/or limit access to entrances, exits, stairways, ramps, and/or elevators, or otherwise interfere with the free flow of traffic in or out of campus buildings.

h.     Obstruct pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic on lawns, walkways, bike paths, roadways, crosswalks, fire lanes, parking lots, parking structures, and/or other thoroughfares.

i.       Constitute an unlawful assembly (i.e., when two or more persons assemble together to do an unlawful act, or do a lawful act in a violent, boisterous, or tumultuous manner).

j.       Damage or pose an unreasonable risk of damage to the environment (e.g., trees, vegetation, wildlife), University property, and/or property of others.

k.     Violate other University Policies or local, state, or federal laws.

4.     Sign Handles. Handles or supports for signs, posters, placards, flags, and/or banners must be made of wood. The use of metal stakes, clubs, and/or pipes is prohibited. The size of wood handles or supports is limited to one-fourth of an inch (1/4”) in thickness by three-fourths of an inch (3/4”) in width and may extend no more than 18 inches beyond a single exterior edge of a sign, poster, placard, flag, and/or banner.

5.     No Indoor Parades or Demonstrations with Noisemakers. Parading, demonstrating, and/or picketing inside any University building while using noisemakers, such as whistles, pots and pans, or bullhorns, is prohibited.

6.     No Endorsement. Individuals and organizations may not represent that Expressive Activity is endorsed, sponsored, and/or sanctioned by the University without the written consent of the Chancellor or their designee.

7.     No Disguises. No person may wear a mask, personal disguise, and/or otherwise conceal their identity with the intent of intimidating any person or group, or for the purpose of evading or hindering discovery, recognition, or identification in the commission of violations of University Policy, University regulations, and/or local, state, or federal laws.


8.     No Unlawful Assemblies. No person may remain present in any University area (including the location of any riot, rout, or unlawful assembly) after they have been warned to disperse, except peace officers, persons assisting peace officers, and University Officials acting in the course and scope of their assigned duties.


9.     Reserving Certain Areas. Reservable Areas are campus spaces expressly designated by the campus as available to be reserved for Expressive Activity. Reservable Areas are subject to change without notice. Reservations for Reservable Areas may be limited in area, duration, and/or frequency, so as to allow different people and groups meaningful opportunities to access such spaces. Disrupting or interfering with an event or activity that has reserved space in compliance with this Policy is prohibited. Events and/or activities occurring in a Reservable Area, including by those with a reservation, must still comply with all the rules stated in this Policy, as well as any specific rules communicated by the department responsible for the specific Reservable Area space.


10.  Consequences. Failure to comply with this Policy or the directives of University Officials administering this Policy may constitute a trespass, disorderly conduct, an unlawful assembly, and/or other unlawful conduct and may subject such persons to arrest and prosecution, and/or may result in disciplinary action and sanctions per University Policy, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and applicable federal, state, and local law.




1.     Individuals and organizations may engage in demonstrations or gatherings on outdoor University Property (excluding athletic fields/courts, parking lots and garages, the Epstein Family Amphitheater, vehicles, and maritime vessels), provided that such activities comply with this Policy, local, state, and federal laws, and other applicable University rules. Demonstrations or gatherings with more than 75 people must also comply with the Major Events Policy, PPM 510-1, Section V.A.


2.     Individuals and organizations are prohibited from picketing or organizing picketing that is focused on and takes place in front of any University Property that is a residence or dwelling of an individual, including as prohibited by Sections 52.2001-2003 of the San Diego Municipal Code.




1.     Unless permission is first obtained from UC San Diego’s department of Environment Health and Safety, erecting, maintaining, using, or occupying Free-standing equipment or Structures or Displays on University Property (other than information tables expressly permitted by Section D.2) is prohibited. All Free-standing equipment or Structures or Displays on University Property must be made available for inspection upon request by a University Official, must not pose a danger to people and/or property, and must not interfere with or disrupt University Supported Activities or other University business. Even when approved by an authorized University Official, Free-standing equipment or Structures or Displays on University Property may not be installed before 7:00 a.m. and must be fully removed by 11:30 p.m. each day. Approved Free-standing equipment or Structures or Displays on University Property may be erected on University property for no more than three consecutive days and no more than six total days in an academic quarter. Any Free-standing equipment, Structures or Displays that fail to meet the requirements of this Policy or any other University Policy may be removed by the University at the expense of the person or group that installed it.


2.     Tabling in an Information Tabling Area is normally permitted, without a reservation, in accordance with the limitations set forth in Appendix A. Such Tabling may include no more than 2 chairs and no more than 20 people staffing the table at any one time. Information tables and accompanying materials/literature may not be left unattended. Information tables must be completely removed at the conclusion of the applicable time period identified in Appendix A. Tabling without a reservation is not permitted in Reservable Areas when such areas have been reserved by others.



1.     Amplified Sound may not be used within 150 feet of any residential building or health care facility.

2.     Non-handheld Amplified Sound that constitutes a Structure or Display must also comply with the requirements of Section D.1 (above).

3.     The maximum decibel level for Amplified Sound may not exceed 90 dBA when measured 50 feet or more from the sound source. The average decibel level measured over any 15 second period may not exceed 75 dBA when measured 50 feet or more from the sound source.

4.     Ambient Noise will be considered when administering sound limitations. If Ambient Noise reaches, and/or exceeds 90 dBA, Amplified Sound may be increased so it may be intelligibly heard at the edge of a crowd or 50 feet from the speaker, whichever is lesser, but under no circumstances may it exceed 105 dBA.

5.     Groups or individuals exceeding maximum allowable decibel levels will generally be given one warning and requested to reduce the volume to allowable levels. Exceeding allowable levels is a violation of this Policy.


1.     Non-Commercial Literature may be posted on designated bulletin boards, kiosks, and other designated locations if it does not damage University Property and/or otherwise violate this Policy. Prior approval is not required for posting in these locations unless specifically noted. See Appendix C for a list of applicable posting requirements relating to certain bulletin boards, kiosks, and other locations.

2.     Adhesive materials (e.g., glue, decals, stickers), markers, paint, ink, chalk (except as authorized in Section H, below), posters, signs, banners, and/or other written or graphic material may not damage, be placed on or against, attached to, and/or written on any structure or natural feature of the campus, including, but not limited to, the ground, trees, doors, signs, light poles, waste receptacles, building exteriors, building surfaces, windows, fences, and/or walkways. Damaging University Property may result in discipline and/or civil or criminal liability.

3.     Projection of images onto University buildings is prohibited.

4.     Postings are limited to two per individual location. Postings exceeding this requirement may be removed by the University, including the department responsible for the location. Posting on top of other allowable postings and/or removing other postings is prohibited without authorization of the department responsible for the location. 

5.     Painters’ tape or other non-destructive and removable hanging material may be used to post flyers at approved posting locations. The use of paste, glue, nails, masking tape, and/or duct tape is prohibited. Staples and tacks may be used on bulletin boards.

6.     Postings for events and activities must indicate the name of the sponsoring organization or group, the nature of the event or activity, and the date, time, and location of the event or activity.

7.     Within 48 hours after the event or activity, postings for events or activities must be removed by the sponsoring organization, group, or individual. Postings unrelated to an event or activity must include the date on which they were posted. In order to foster opportunities to post, the University may remove any posting that is more than 10 days old. Approved posting locations may impose additional, reasonable rules regarding time limits for postings.

8.     Postings on or within kiosks and bulletin boards maintained by Authorized Student Governments must be approved by the respective Authorized Student Government prior to posting.

9.     The University may designate posting locations for special-purpose notices (e.g., ride boards, housing information). Use of these locations is subject to any specific special-purpose rules created by the University.


1.     Non-Commercial Literature may be distributed on outdoor University Property (excluding athletic fields/courts, parking lots and garages, the Epstein Family Amphitheater, vehicles, and maritime vessels) provided that the distribution does not disrupt the orderly conduct of University operations and is not forced upon others.

2.     By allowing the posting, distribution, and exhibition of Literature on University Property by individuals and/or organizations, the University does not express or imply any endorsement of the content of such Literature. The University is not responsible and/or liable for the views and/or actions of persons engaging in these activities.


1.     Chalking is permitted only on non-covered concrete or asphalt sidewalks and only when using water-soluble stick chalk. Chalking is prohibited on all other surfaces including, but not limited to, roadways, buildings, windows, steps, seating walls, benches, tables, signs, poles, columns, waste receptacles, trees, and other surfaces, structures, and/or fixtures.

2.     Chalking that damages University Property is prohibited. Damaging University Property may result in discipline and/or civil and/or criminal liability.

3.     The University is not responsible for ensuring that chalking is maintained for any specific duration. Chalking may be cleaned by the University prior to a scheduled event, as part of regular maintenance, and/or as necessary if or when rain does not fully wash it away.




A.     Individuals, organizations, and groups are solely responsible for their Expressive Activity, on- or off-campus, and are acting voluntarily at their own risk, with no right to seek indemnification from the University for the consequences of their actions.


B.     Questions about the application and/or interpretation of this Policy should be made to the Director – Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education or their designee.




A.     Any student or student organization denied prior approval to use University Property for Expressive Activity may appeal the decision in writing to the Vice Chancellor – Student Affairs and Campus Life within 5 business days of the date of the notification. Any other person denied prior approval to use University Property for Expressive Activity may appeal the decision in writing to the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs within 5 business days of the date of the notification.


B.     The appeal must sufficiently explain the grounds for the request in accordance with Section C below and include all the supporting reasons, information, arguments, and documents.


C.    Appeals may be based on only one or more of the following reasons:

1.     Failure to follow University Policy; or

2.     Arbitrary and capricious justification for the decision to deny use.


D.     The Vice Chancellor or their designee will review the appealing party’s request, including their statements, information, and reasons for the request, any response or documentation submitted by the University Official who denied the initial request, and any other relevant information that the Vice Chancellor deems necessary to evaluate the appeal.


E.     Appealing parties will be notified in writing of the decision by the Vice Chancellor or their designee within 7 business days of the date the appeal request was submitted for review. A brief statement explaining the basis of the decision will be included with this notice. The result of the appeal request is final.










California State Constitution


California Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA)

Free Expression at UC San Diego

Library Use and Conduct Policies

Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Building and on the Grounds of the University of California

Reserving Space at UC San Diego       

Residential Life Community Standards

San Diego Municipal Code – Sections 51.2001-2003

UC San Diego Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM)

·       Student Conduct Procedures (PPM 160-10)


·       Use of University Properties (PPM 510-1 Section I-XIII)

·       Policy on Major Events on Campus (PPM 510-1 V)


·       Environmental Sanitation – Housing (PPM 516-10.3)

United States Constitution, First Amendment

University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS)

·       Definitions (Section 14.00)


·       Policy on Speech and Advocacy (Section 30.00)

·       Policy on Use of University Properties (Section 40.00)


·       Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline  (PACAOS 100)


·       University of California Policy and Supplemental Guidelines on the On-campus Marketing of Credit Cards to Students (Appendix D)

University of California Policy re: Anti-Discrimination


University Centers Facilities Usage Policies and Procedures (includes Library Walk, Price Center Plaza and Town Square)




See Free Expression at UC San Diego




10/16/2024: Policy updated.


09/19/2024: Policy updated.


10/04/2010: Policy updated.


04/01/1981: Initial implementation of policy.










Eleanor Roosevelt College Administration Building Plaza 

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 

Eleanor Roosevelt College Residence Halls Green

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 

Library Walk*

6:00 am – 11:59 pm

Matthews Quad*

6:00 am – 11:59 pm

Revelle College Plaza*

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 

Sixth College East Lawn*

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 

Sun God Lawn*

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 

Thurgood Marshall College Solis Quad 

11:30 am – 1:30 pm M-F 

Town Square*

6:00 am – 11:59 pm

Warren College Student Activity Center, sidewalk area near shuttle stop  

11:30 am – 1:00 pm  

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Warren Mall*

11:30 am – 1:30 pm 



*except when such area has been reserved by others.








Library Walk


Matthews Quad


Revelle Plaza


Ridge Walk, select areas only


Sixth College East Lawn


Sun God Lawn


Student Center Courtyard


The Hump


Town Square


Warren Mall









Please review the links to learn more about specific posting requirements in various UC San Diego Grounds and Facilities. Questions or concerns about the individual requirements can be directed to the offices and persons listed within this document.



Undergraduate Colleges and Residential Areas


In addition to campus-wide posting rules, undergraduate colleges and/or residential areas have implemented the following posting rules:


EIGHTH COLLEGE (Theatre District Living and Learning Neighborhood)

      Contact Eighth College at 858-246-4577 or eighthcollege@ucsd.edu for more information.



      The ERC Residence Life office allows posting of 3 to 4 butcher paper posters and 5 to 6 8.5x11 small brochures. Contact the ERC Residence Life Office at (858) 534-2261 or ercreslife@ucsd.edu for more information.



o   See: https://marshall.ucsd.edu/_files/res-life/ra-apps-and-docs/Marshall%20College%20Posting%20Policy%202016.pdf



      See: https://muir.ucsd.edu/posting/index.html#Other-John-Muir-College-Areas



      See: https://revelle.ucsd.edu/res-life/policies/posting.html


SIXTH COLLEGE (North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood)

      See: https://sixth.ucsd.edu/residence-life/policies-and-guidelines/index.html#Posting-Policy



      See: https://seventh.ucsd.edu/_files/residence-life-files/seventh-college-posting-guidelines_2021-22.pdf  



      See: https://warren.ucsd.edu/res-life/policies.html#Posting-Policy



University Center



      See: https://universitycenters.ucsd.edu/events-and-reservations/University-Centers-Posting-Policy.pdf







      See: https://library.ucsd.edu/about/policies/posting-fliers.html; Contact UC San Diego Library at (858) 534-0134 for more information.



o   Contact Graduate Family Housing at (858) 534-4723 or gradfamilyhousing@ucsd.edu for more information. 



o   Contact the Revelle College Dean of Student Affairs Office at (858) 534-3493 for more information.



      The City of San Diego permits banners made of cloth to be attached to the bridge with string or rope. Contact the City of San Diego for prior approval at (619) 236-5555.  



      Contact the School of Medicine Student Affairs Office at somosa@ucsd.edu for more information.



      Contact the Village at Torrey Pines at (858) 534-9380 or thevillage@ucsd.edu for more information.