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510 - Use of University Properties

Section: 510-2
Effective: 12/18/1992
Supersedes: Not Applicable
Next Review Date: TBD
Issuance Date: 12/18/1992
Issuing Office: Chancellor's Office

PPM 510-2 Policy [pdf format]


I.           REFERENCES


A.       University of California Policy on University Support Groups, October 31, 1978


B.       Systemwide Administrative Guidelines Governing University Support Groups, April 21, 1991




The UCSD Alumni Association, established in 1972 by a group of friends of the University, has evolved into an organization serving more than 40,000 alumni. The two main objectives of the Association are to channel the energy and talents of alumni to support the University and to provide services to alumni.


Looking to the future, the number of alumni will grow to 102,000 by the year 2005. As the University community grows and the needs of the campus become more complex, it is important that alumni groups organize in a manner consistent with the image and mission of the University.


The University recognizes that the commitment and service of alumni support groups foster relationships between the campus and its alumni. These groups provide valuable assistance through volunteer service, fund raising, student recruitment and advisory roles.


Alumni groups may organize on the basis of professional school or other academic unit, regional concentrations of alumni, or other interest. Examples of alumni groups include the San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Chapter, the Chicano Alumni Council and the Black Alumni Scholarship Committee.


III.         POLICY


This policy establishes the UCSD Alumni Association as the central Association of all UCSD alumni groups. In this capacity the Association will help alumni groups form formal organizations and will provide official recognition for such organizations by granting a charter from the Association. The Association will be responsible for providing equitable service to alumni organizations, and for ensuring compliance with University of California and UCSD policies and procedures.


Recognition as an alumni group establishes privileges and responsibilities between a group and the UCSD Alumni Association. Only with such recognition shall a group:


A.       Present itself as a representative of the Alumni Association of the University of California, San Diego;


B.       Use the name of the Alumni Association or the University, and use the University's facilities, equipment, or personnel in connection with its activities;


C.       Use forms, letters, documents utilizing the Association trademark, logos, etc.;


D.       Solicit members through fund raising activities with the written consent of the Alumni

Association and Development Office.


The UCSD Alumni Association Support Group Guidelines and Handbook established by the Association for alumni support groups outlines the conditions for recognition and is available through the Alumni Office.


Any materials provided by the Alumni Association to alumni support groups, such as alumni and donor records, data tapes, etc. are the exclusive property of the University and will be held in strict privacy by the alumni group. The alumni group is prohibited from using the information for any purpose other than the fulfillment of the alumni group's responsibilities to the University.