Hint Alternatively, jump to the section of the alphabet by clicking on a letter below.

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Academic Leave Policy
Academic Personnel (see Personnel-Academic)
Academic Personnel Records/Maintenance of, Access to, and Opportunity to Request Amendment of 230-160
Academic Salary Scales 230-40
Academic Senate Research Grants Committee on 150-75
Academic Senate Research Grants Departmental/Faculty Uses 150-76
Academic Senate Research Grants Intercampus Exchange 150-79
Academic Senate Research Grants Travel to Scholarly Meeting 150-78
Access for Non-UCSD Personnel to UCSD Core Campus Systems 135-4
Accidents Reporting (Workers Compensation) 516-28
Account Code Validation 300-51
Accounting State Sales Tax 523-2.3.2
Accounts Receivable Policy 300-13
Accounts Receivable System Billing and Collection - Aging 300-29
Affirmative Action Academic Personnel 230-6
Alarm Ordinances Police Dept. 460-6
Alcohol Purchases 526-3
AMAS - Audit & Management Advisory Services 10-11
AMAS - Audits & Investigations by External Agencies 300-5
AMAS - Improper Government Activities 460-5
Animals Delivery/Distribution of 524-3
Appointment and Promotion - Academic Administrator Series 230-370
Appointment and Promotion - Academic Coordinator Series 230-375
Appointment and Promotion - Acting Appointments 230-235
Appointment and Promotion - Adjunct Professor Series 230-280
Appointment and Promotion - Continuing Educator Series 230-340
Appointment and Promotion - General 230-200
Appointment and Promotion - Guest Lecturers (Including Lecturers, Miscellaneous Part-Time) 230-289
Appointment and Promotion - Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series 230-278
Appointment and Promotion - Lecturer with Security of Employment (Teaching Professor) Series 230-285
Appointment and Promotion - Lecturer and Senior Lecturer Series 230-283
Appointment and Promotion - Librarian Series 230-360
Appointment and Promotion - Non-Salary Instructional Positions 230-255
Appointment and Promotion - Non-Salary Research Positions 230-355
Appointment and Promotion - Professional Research (Research Scientist) Series 230-310
Appointment and Promotion - Professor of Clinical X (e.g. Medicine) Series 230-275
Appointment and Promotion - Professor of (e.g., Psychology) In Residence Series 230-270
Appointment and Promotion - Professor of Practice Series 230-281
Appointment and Promotion - Professor Series 230-220
Appointment and Promotion - Project Scientist Series 230-311
Appointment and Promotion - Recall for Academic Appointees 230-205
Appointment and Promotion - Regents' Professors and Regents' Lecturers 230-290
Appointment and Promotion - Review and Appraisal Committees 230-210
Appointment and Promotion - Specialist Series 230-330
Appointment and Promotion - Visiting Appointments 230-230
Appointment and Promotion - Volunteer Clinical Professor Series 230-279
Asbestos Management Program 516-2
Audio Visual Services 130-1.1

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Benefits Employee Expenditures
Bicycles Use of 270-3
Biosafety 516-3
Board of Regents 5-1
Budget Budgetary Savings 380-2
Budget Modifications 380-1
Budget Staff Salaries 380-3,
Budget Administration - State Employee Benefits Program 380-6
Building Permit 420-3
Buildings Alterations & Renovations 530-9
Buildings Physical Plant Functions 530-1

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Certification of Possession of Petty Cash Funds
Chart of Accounts Policy 300-14
Chemical Safety - Carcinogens 516-5.1
Chemical Safety 516-5
Commission Agreements 500-6
Computer Equipment Acquisition 523-12.1
Confined Space 516- 6
Conflicts of Interest 200-13
Consulting Services 523-10.2
Contracts & Grants Acceptance 150-1
Contracts & Grants Acceptance of Awards 150- 2
Contracts & Grants Admin/Accept/Processing from Prvt Sources150-35
Contracts & Grants Administration 150-1
Contracts & Grants Classification of Costs 150-42
Contracts & Grants Cost Accounting Standards 150-40
Contracts & Grants Cost Accounting Unallowable Costs 150-43
Contracts & Grants Definitions 150-35
Contracts & Grants Functions 150-1
Contracts & Grants Indirect Cost Recovery 150-14, 150-15
Contracts & Grants Negotiation 150-1
Contracts & Grants ORG/Institutional Prior Approval System 150-65
Contracts & Grants Office of Nav Research Rebudgeting ONR 150-62
Contracts & Grants Organizational Prior Approval System (NSF)150-61
Contracts & Grants Post-Award 150-1
Contracts & Grants Progress & Technical Reports 150-37
Contracts & Grants Public Health Service PHS Rebudgeting 150-60
Contracts & Grants Rebudgeting National Science Foundation 150-61
Contracts & Grants Regental/Presidential/Chanc Approval 150-2
Contracts & Grants Research Committee 150-75
Contracts & Grants Research Committ Travel to Scholarly Mtg 150-78
Contracts & Grants Solicitation 150- 2
Contracts & Grants Timing of Proposals 150-11
Controlled Substances 516- 7
Copier Equipment 523-12.2
Copyrights Policy 500-5
Cost Accounting Standards Compliance 150-40
Cost Accounting Unallowable Costs 150-43
Cost Sharing 150-45
Course Materials Fees 120-9
Custodial Services 530-1
Customs and Customhouse Broker 524-6

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Damage Payments/Loyalty Oaths
Department Chairs Appointment & Review 230-2
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution 200-23
Donations 150-35
Drugs Delivery/Distribution of 524-3
Drugs Narcotics and Dangerous 523-2.2.1
Drugs Recall 520-3

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Electronic Mail Procedures and Practices
Eligibility to Submit Proposals for Extramural Support 150-10
Emergency Preparedness 516-8
Emeritus Status-Nonacademic 200-5
Employee Benefit Expenditures395-10
Employee Benefit Expenditures 395-10
Employer Matching Contribution Rates Schedule Supplement I 395-10
Endowed Chairs 230-191
Environment, Health & Safety Office Functions 516-1
Environment, Health & Safety Organization Charts 516-0
Environmental Pollution 516-9
Environmental Sanitation 516-10
Environmental Sanitation Food Service 516-10.2
Environmental Sanitation Housing 516-10.3
Environmental Sanitation Pest Management 516-10.4
Environmental Sanitation Swimming Pools 516-10.5
Environmental Sanitation Waste Disposal 516-10.7
Environmental Sanitation Water & Sewage 516-10.6
Environment, Health & Safety Governmental Relations 516-23
Equipment Acquisition/Use/Disposal 522-1
Equipment Disposal/Reutilization of Surplus 522-3
Equipment Fabricated 522-4
Equipment Inventory Control 522-1
Equipment Learning Resources 130-1.1
Equipment Leasing 523-12.3
Equipment Recall 520-3
Equipment Screening 522-2

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Facilities & Administrative Costs (F&A)
150-14, 150-15, 150-42
Family Accommodations Policy 230-15
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) 160-2
Fees/Course Materials 120-9
Fees/Tuition Deferments, Refunds, Waivers 300-70
Fees/Tuition Registration Fee Committee 10-7
Fellowship Definition 150-35
Financial Deficit Policy 300-2
Fire/Life Safety Program 516-11
Freight Damages 524-7

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GUARD Invoice and Collection
Gas Procurement & Cylinder Control 526-2
Gifts Assessment of Private 410-10
Gifts Definition 150-35
Gifts and Endowments - Allocation & Reallocation - Gifts & Bequests 410-20
Gifts and Endowments - Gift Fund - Minimums 410-30

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Hazard Communication Program
Hazardous Materials 524-4
Hazardous Materials 524-8
Hazardous Waste Disposal 516-14
Hearing Conservation Program 516-15

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Implementation Procedures for Requests for Approval of Indemnification Clauses Under Delegation of Authority 2239
Independent Consultants 523-10.1
Independent Contractors 523-10.2
Indirect Cost Rates 150-14, 150-15
Indoor Air Quality 516-16
Industrial Hygiene 516-17
Information Public Records, Legislation affecting 480-2
Injury & Illness Prevention Program 516-18
Insurance Fine Arts Collections 500-10
Insurance Freight Damages 524-7
Insurance Personal Property Miscellaneous 500-11
Insurance Shipping 524-4
Integrity of Research 100-4
Intercampus Exchange (Opportunity) Fund 150-79
Intercampus Transfers 230-44
Interim Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy UC San Diego Implementing Procedures 200-27
Interim Policy on Official University Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic 1-1
Internal Audit Services 10-11
Internal Control in Departments Payroll 395-6
Internal Controls Policy 300-15
Introduction to PPM 230 - Academic Personnel 230-000
Inventions 150-33
ISIS Centralized Accounts Receivable System Billing and Collection - Aging 300-29
IT Resources Acceptable Use Policy 135-9

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Key Control

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Laboratory Safety
Layoff, Academic 230-7
Learning Resources Center 130-1.2
Leasing Equipment 523-12.3
Leave, Academic Policy 230-10
Library Organization Chart 140-0
Library Policy 140-1
Lighting 420-11
Limitation on Total Period of Service with Certain Academic Titles 230-133
Lost/Found Property, unclaimed 460-2

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Material Distribution Customs & Customhouse Broker
Material Distribution Freight Damages & Claims 524-7
Material Distribution Functions & Services 524-1
Material Distribution Moving Services 524-5
Material Distribution Procedures 524-3
Material Distribution Receiving 524-2
Material Distribution Restricted/ Hazardous Material 524-4
Material Distribution Shipping 524-4
Material Distribution and Receiving Restricted/Haz Material 524-8
Media Library (OLR) 130-1.2
Media Production 130-1.2
Micromobility Device Policy 270-11
Minor Capital Improvements 420-65
Modification of the Operating Budget 380-1
Moving Services 524- 5

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Network Security 135-3

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Occupational Ergonomics
Occupational Health (Medical Surveillance) 516-21
Office of Learning Resources Functions 130-1.1
Organization Charts Chancellor's Office 10-0.0
Organization Charts EVC-Academic Affairs 10-0.1
Organization Charts UC Organization Chart 5-0
Organization Charts UC Office of the President 5-2
Organization Charts UC San Diego Administrative 10-0
Organization Charts UC San Diego Health System 10-0.9
Organization Charts UC San Diego School of Medicine 10-0.4.1
Organization Charts UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Sciences 10-0.4.2
Organization Charts VC-Advancement 10-0.10
Organization Charts VC and Chief Financial Officer 10- 0.2
Organization Charts VC-Health Sciences & Dean, SOM 10-0.4
Organization Charts VC-Marine Sciences & Director, SIO 10-0.5
Organization Charts VC-Research 10-0.6
Organization Charts VC-Resource Management & Planning 10-0.7
Organization Charts VC-Student Affairs 10-0.8
Overdraft Policy 300-2

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Parking Office Functions
Parking Regulations-Permits/Fees/Refunds 545-2
Patent Program 150-33
Payment Card Processing and Compliance Policy 300-86
Payroll Check Distribution 395-7
Perishable Material Delivery/Distribution of 524- 3
Personnel Academic Grievances, Non-Senate Appointees 230-5
Personnel, Academic Leave Policy 230-10
Personnel Academic One Time Payments 230-44
Personnel, Academic Compensation for Teaching & Research 230-42
Personnel, Academic Records Maintenance/Access/Amendment230-11
Personnel, Academic Salary Scales 230-40
Personnel, Academic Termination In-Residence 230-9.1
Personnel-General Employee-Vendor Relations 523-9
Personnel-General Independent Contractors 523-10.2
Personnel-General Responsibility for Noncitizen Immigration Affairs 200-1
Personnel-General Temporary Outside Agencies 523-10.3
Physical Plant Grounds 530-1
Physical Plant Modification of University Facilities 530-1
Physical Plant Operation and Services 530-1
Physical Plant Refuse Disposal 530-1
Physical Plant Utilities 530-1
Policy on Faculty Gifts in Support of Their Own Research 410-7
Policy on Romantic, Dating, or Sexual Relationships between Academic Appointees and Undergraduate Students 230-017
Policy on Timely Expenditure of Endowment Payout and Expendable Gifts 410-5
Policy on Financial Stewardship of Donor Gift Funds and Reporting To Donors 410-6
Presidential Chairs 230-191
Privacy of and Access to Information 230-11
Privacy of and Access to Information 480-3
Procedures for Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution 200-23
Property Acquisition/Use/Disposal 522-1
Property Disposal/Reutilization of Surplus 522-3
Property Responsibility of Custodian 522-1
Property Storage and Movement 522-1
Property Surplus 522-1
Public Records 480-4
Publications 400-2
Publications UCSD Official Publications 20-1
Purchasing Authority to Execute Purchase Orders/Contracts 523-6
Purchasing Authority to Release Award Information 523-6
Purchasing Authority to Solicit Quotes 523-6
Purchasing Chemicals/Narcotics/Drugs 523- 2.2.1
Purchasing Equipment Definitions 522-1
Purchasing Equipment Leasing 523-12.3
Purchasing Equipment Reprographic 523-12.2
Purchasing Independent Consultants 523-10.1
Purchasing Independent Contractors 523-10.2
Purchasing Planned Program 523-3
Purchasing Policy 523-2
Purchasing Sales & Use Tax 523- 2.3.2
Purchasing Temporary Personnel from Outside Agencies 523-10.3

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Radiation Safety
Real Estate Development Functions 440-1
Real Property Acquisition/Disposition of 440-2
Real Property Leased 440-3
Real Property Licensed 440-4
Rebudgeting Approval Request (OPAS/IPAS) 150-65
Receiving Procedures Delivery Service 524-2
Records Disposition Schedules 480-20
Records University Policy 480-1
Recruitment - General 230-500
Recycling 530-10
Reduction in Time, Academic 230-7
Regents Agenda Items C&G 150-11
Regents Agenda Items General 20-3
Regents Professor and Lecturer Nominations 230-30.6
Renovations and Alterations 530-9
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Procedures 200-26
Research, Integrity of 100-4
Research Grants Departental/Faculty Uses 150-76
Respiratory Protection Program 516-24
Restricted Materials 524-4
Risk Management 516-25
Rollerskates 270-2

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Sabbatical Leave See Academic Personnel Manual Safety Construction/Renovations & Alterations
Safety Corporate Criminal Liability Act of 1989 516-12
Safety Non Structural Seismic Hazard Reduction 516-12.2
Safety Shops, Vivaria & Building Operations 516-12.3
Safety Training 516-26
Salary Administration - Off-Scale Salaries for Appointments and Advancement 230-620
Salary Administration - Salary Increases 230-610
Sales & Service of Educational Activities: Recharges by Academic Support Unites and, Sales & Services to External Entities Policy 300-87
Sales Tax 523-2.3.2
Services Use of University 510-1
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment 200-19
Shipping Customs & Customhouse Broker 524-6
Shipping Foreign 524- 4
Shipping Restricted/Hazardous Materials 524-4
Signage Policy 420-10
Skateboards 270-2
Smoke Free 270-7
Soils Management 516-27
Storehouse Alcohol Purchases 526-3
Storehouse Functions & Services 526-1
Stuart Collection 510-3
Student Death, Protocol for Notification of 160-6
Student Matters Electronic Communication for Official Communication 160-3
Student Matters Undergraduate Instructional Assistance in Courses 120-8
Student Matters Disclosure of Information from Student Records 160-2
Summer Employment Faculty Under Research Titles 230-43
Support Groups 510-5
Supply Inventories 520-2
Surplus Property 522-3

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Tax Income Withholding Federal & State
Temporary Buildings 420-9
Temporary Personnel Services 523-10.3
Timekeeping: Attendance Records 395-4.1
Timekeeping: Review of Charges 395-4.3
Timekeeping: Time Reporting to Payroll 395-4.2
Triton Alert Emergency Notification Policy 516-29

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UCSD Alumni Associations Support Groups
UCSD Disability Guidelines 200-9
UC San Diego Implementing Procedure for UC Policy, “Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University”150-82
UC San Diego Lab Opening and Close-Out Policy 516-32
UC San Diego Policy for Reporting and Responding to Sex Offenses 200-19
Underdeveloped Land Special Uses 420-5
University Stationery, Business Cards and Collateral Items 490-2
Use of University Name and Seal 510-10

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Vacation Accrual & Use
Vehicles Acquisition and Disposition 551-2
Vendor-Employee Relationships 523-9
Visas Information 395-13

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Waste Prevention
Whistleblower Protection from Retaliation 200-14
Worker's Compensation 516-28

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